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Teacher showing a student something on the computer.

Research has shown that early exposure to career options is crucial in developing learners’ interests and aspirations. However, many Black, Latino, and low-income learners lack access to high-quality opportunities to gain that exposure and to acquire the credentials necessary to be competitive in our nation’s economy.

August 26, 2024

Career PathwaysCareer Technical EducationEducationWorkforce

This position paper examines the direct and indirect harms to American children at risk of being torn from their parents, the report’s first section examines the scope and composition of […]

March 15, 2019

DACAHealthHousingICEand 6 more tags

This brief first describes USCIS’s fee review process to explain how the fee is established, and explores the effect of the fee on naturalization rates. The brief will provide related […]

June 27, 2016


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Latino family of three in their living room.

This publication is a resource for policymakers and advocates to better understand the critical policies that, if enacted, would meaningfully improve the lives of our nation’s 62 million Latinos.

January 24, 2025

AffiliatesCivil RightsEducationHealthand 5 more tags



Empty classroom with papers and pencils left on desks.

The letter from 17 members of the National English Learner Roundtable to the House and Senate education committees expresses deep concern over how the recent reduction in force at the U.S. Department of Education, will negatively impact the education of the nation’s 5.3 million English learners (ELs).

March 25, 2025

Bilingual and Dual Language LearningEducation PolicyEnglish Language LearnersEquity in Educationand 2 more tags

The economy



UnidosUS Building

UnidosUS es una organización no partidista y sin fines de lucro que sirve como la organización de defensa y derechos civiles hispanos más grande del país. Desde 1968, hemos desafiado […]

August 31, 2023

Compromiso de los afiliadosDerechos civiles y equidad racialDesarrollo de la fuerza laboralEducacionand 4 more tags

Civil Rights

Close-up of a Latino father holding his young child's hand while walking, symbolizing resilience and protection during uncertain times.

HR 32, the “No Bailout for Sanctuary Cities Act,” expands executive power, undermines local governance, and enables harsh immigration enforcement that contradicts public opinion and constitutional principles.

March 21, 2025

Executive Powerfederal advocacyPresident TrumpVoting rights

UnidosUS History

UnidosUS Building

Since 1968, we have challenged the social, economic, and political barriers that affect Latinos through our unique combination of expert research, advocacy, programs, and an Affiliate Network of nearly 300 community-based organizations across the United States and Puerto Rico.

August 31, 2023

Affiliate Engagementcivil rights and racial equityEducationHealthand 4 more tags

Impact report

2023 UnidosUS Impact Report: The Power of US

This year’s Impact Report represents the optimism amid the challenges, and everything we have been able to accomplish in partnership with our Affiliate Network, our funders, and partners.

April 30, 2024

AdvocacyAffiliatesCommunitiesEducationand 5 more tags