Publication List

Crucial Conversations: Discussing Early Dual Language Development with Speech/Language Therapists

We found that speech therapists were advising Latina moms not to speak Spanish to their children so as not to “confuse” them. This topic brief reviews our focus group findings and presents key research evidence, compiled over decades, that contradicts this advice. Recommendations for programs, parents and family members and policy makers are included.

December 23, 2022

Civil Rightsdisabilities servicesDual Language DevelopmentEarly Childhoodand 5 more tags

National Parents Survey

UnidosUS in collaboration with Abriendo Puertas/Opening Doors and BSP Research, released survey results from 1,300 Latino families on the health and well-being of their youngest children.

December 1, 2022

BilingualEducationHealth and Well-beingLatino Infants Initiativeand 3 more tags

UnidosUS led a sign-on letter to Congress requesting no less than $1 billion for Title III in FY23 federal appropriations to support the unique educational needs of English learners.

October 27, 2022

EducationELsEnglish LearnersTitle III

Regulatory Comment

Students posing on first day of school.

In California, UnidosUS submits a letter to the California State Assembly Appropriations Committee in support of SB 952, which expands dual-language immersion programs.

September 7, 2022

CaliforniaDual Language LearnersEducation

Regulatory Comment

Teacher and student going over work in full classroom.

In California, UnidosUS submits a letter to Governor Newsom in support of AB 1868, which seeks to disaggregate data of English Learners in order to strengthen California’s guidance and resources for Long-Term English Learner (LTEL) students.

September 7, 2022

CaliforniaCalifornia Governor Gavin NewsomEducationGovernor Newsomand 2 more tags

Regulatory Comment

Latina college student in front of a diverse grouping of students.

In California, UnidosUS submits a letter to Governor Newsom in support of AB 1705, which ensure that students can enroll directly into the courses that will give them the greatest chance to meet their college goals.

September 1, 2022

CaliforniaCalifornia Governor Gavin NewsomHigher Education

Bebés Latinos: Un Imperativo Continuo

Los bebés latinos están transformando los Estados Unidos. Los hispanos son una de las poblaciones de más rápido crecimiento en el país, con un aumento sorprendente de 23% desde 2010. […]

August 11, 2022

ACEsalfabetización tempranabebés/niños pequeñosCOVID-19and 6 more tags

Regulatory Comment

Student with hand raised in classroom

In California, UnidosUS submits a letter to the California State Senate Appropriations Committee in support of AB 2465, which lays out a multifaceted strategy to address persistent gaps in literacy rates and to support bilingualism and multiliteracy.

July 5, 2022

CaliforniaCalifornia English learnersELs

College classroom

In California, UnidosUS submits a letter to the Senate Education Committee in support of AB 1746, which is critical to eliminating barriers and improving access to state financial aid, specifically for low-income students of color.

June 24, 2022

Cal Grant ReformCaliforniaHigher Education

ESSA | Students | Florida

We, the undersigned 123 organizations, are writing to urge you to include $2 billion in Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) appropriations funding for Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education […]

May 24, 2022

Elementary and Secondary Education ActELsEnglish LearnersESEA

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