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This report analyzes the available data on Hispanic women in the workforce. Demographic information is reviewed as background to an evaluation of the labor market status of Hispanic women. Emphasis […]

July 1, 1988

Economy and EmpolymentEconomy and Workforce

This paper reviews past and present efforts by the public and private sectors to reduce illiteracy in the United States and their effectiveness in reaching the Hispanic population.

July 1, 1988

Economy and WorkforceELLEnglish Language Learners

Statistical data describing the Hispanic elderly are limited, and much of the available information has not been published. This report is an attempt to describe and discuss the socioeconomic status […]

October 5, 1987

Chronic IllnessDemographicsPolicyProject Ancianosand 3 more tags

The severity of minority youth unemployment does not bode well for the future. Demographics will favor higher productivity and lower unemployment over the next 12 years as prime-age workers make […]

September 14, 1987

Economy and EmploymentEconomy and WorkforceWealth-BuildingYouth

This paper examines the available data on the status of Hispanics in the workforce. Data on youthfulness, fertility rates, education, poverty, labor force participation rates, unemployment, earnings, and occupational distribution […]

February 23, 1987

Economy and EmpolymentEconomy and Workforce

The American education system is often portrayed as a pipeline, successfully transporting individuals from childhood to college or full participation in the world of work. However, it is becoming increasingly […]

August 8, 1986

Adult EducationDemographicsEducationEnrollmentand 2 more tags

This paper assesses the arguments and evidence presented by both sides, summarizes the past and present history of the minimum wage, and examines implications for Hispanics in the pending legislation.

April 1, 1982

CETAComprehensive Employment and Training ActEconomy and EmploymentEconomy and Workforceand 7 more tags

Literature review and statement of problem submitted to the Hispanic Youth Employment Research Center The analysis presented within this paper represents an alternative response to a traditional literature review. It […]

January 18, 1982

Economy and EmploymentEconomy and WorkforceYouth

This backgrounder summarizes views on immigration of national Black and Brown Leaders. Their perspectives were obtained, then up-dated, over a period of nearly two years. The National Council of La […]

March 23, 1981

Economy and EmploymentEconomy and WorkforceImmigration