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Narrowing the economic gap between Hispanics and other Americans will require immediate, sustained policy intervention and substantial public investment. Because current programs do not necessarily take into account the special […]

February 29, 1992

Civil Rights and JusticeEconomy and EmploymentEducationHealth and Nutritionand 1 more tag

Two current demographic trends–the increase in the elderly population in this country and the rapid growth of the Hispanic elderly population–promise a profound impact on America’s present and future. Both […]

February 4, 1991

EconomyHealthMedicaidMedicareand 6 more tags

Poverty has been a factor in virtually every Hispanic issue, from education to community development, from housing to civil rights. However, there is little documentation of the ways Hispanics have […]

November 2, 1990

Economy and EmpolymentEconomy and WorkforcePoverty ProjectWealth-Building

This report synthesizes research related to both immigration and poverty and outlines some preliminary public policy conclusions. Drawing primarily on immigration research, this paper focuses on the labor market relationship […]

April 20, 1990

Economy and EmpolymentImmigrationWealth-Building

Many observers predicted that the 1980s would be “The Decade of the Hispanic.” In many ways, the name fit, from 1980 to 1989. The following report identifies seven trends which […]

March 5, 1990

EconomyEmpolymentThe Poverty ProjectWealth-Buildingand 1 more tag

Through case study analysis of eight Hispanic-run programs serving the Hispanic elderly in seven states, including focus group sessions with program administrators and elderly clients, the Council has attempted to […]

July 3, 1989

Chronic IllnessDemographicsPolicyProgramsand 4 more tags

This guide for Hispanic community-based organizations will aid them in becoming effective partners in the AIDS education and prevention effort, then they need practical information on how to become involved–how […]

May 26, 1989

Acquired Immune Deficiency SyndromeAIDSAIDS-Related ComplexARCand 3 more tags

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