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This report, released by the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) and the California State University, Long Beach (CSULB) Center for Latino Community Health, Evaluation, and Leadership Training, finds that […]

November 17, 2005

Center for Latino Community HealthHealth and NutritionInstitute for Hispanic Health

NCLR has prepared this white paper which discusses challenges for Latino, limited-English-proficient, and farmworker* children; examines key provisions of recent U.S. House and Senate legislative proposals that address Latino priorities; […]

May 18, 2005

EducationEarly Childhood EducationHead Start

This paper provides background on remitting behavior among Latinos, examines issues affecting Latinos’ access to remittance products, and provides recommendations for improving the remittance transfer market.

May 11, 2005


In early February 2005 President Bush proposed a $2.57 trillion spending plan for fiscal year 2006. The president’s plan would fundamentally reorder national priorities. NCLR prepared a comprehensive analysis of […]

March 10, 2005

Though not commonly viewed as a Latino issue, federal transportation policies have enormous implications for Hispanic workers and for the neighborhoods where they reside. Like other Americans, Latinos care about […]

May 29, 2004

Policy and LegislationEconomy and Employment

In May 2003 the U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation reauthorizing the Workforce Investment Act (WIA)–the largest source of federal funding for employment and training programs, including job training, adult […]

August 21, 2003

Policy and LegislationEconomy and WorkforceEconomy and Employment

This white paper highlights recent developments in the TANF reauthorization process in Congress and analyzes their implications for Puerto Rico. It provides information on the experience of Puerto Rico with […]

September 10, 2002

Economy and EmploymentPolicy and Legislation

Recently, the Bush Administration released a plan to reauthorize the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) block grant, the nation’s primary cash assistance program for families. Shortly after the President’s […]

April 8, 2002

Economy and EmploymentPolicy and Legislation

This paper offers an analysis–department by department–of the proposed FY 2003 budget from a Hispanic perspective. The sections highlight departments and specific program areas that are important to Latinos, provide […]

March 4, 2002

Hispanic Link Weekly Report

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