UnidosUS: Bipartisan Senate Proposals Offer Best Chance at Getting Relief for DREAMers Now
WASHINGTON, DC –Today, UnidosUS (formerly NCLR), the nation’s largest Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization, rejected the White House-backed Grassley immigration measure—the Secure and Succeed Act—and Toomey’s hardline, anti-immigration amendment. UnidosUS is expressing support for bipartisan compromise Senate amendments—S.A. 1958 and S.A. 1955—sponsored by Senator Mike Rounds (R-ND) and Senator Angus King (I-ME), and Senator John McCain (R-AZ) and Senator Chris Coons (D-DE), respectively. Both bipartisan proposals offer a pathway to citizenship in addition to increased border security measures.
“These bipartisan proposals are not perfect by any means—in fact we would stridently object to several provisions in these amendments, but they offer us our best chance at getting immigration relief for DREAMers now. We should not squander a rare opportunity to move this process forward and allow these young people a chance to get on with their lives without fear,” said UnidosUS President and CEO Janet Murguía.
“In poll after poll, the overwhelming majority of Americans have expressed support for finding a permanent solution for these young people. DREAMers are central to American society. They are our neighbors, our local school teachers, our children’s caretakers, our innovators and scientists. We are asking Senators to vote yes on McCain-Coons and Rounds-King, and to vote no on Grassley and Toomey,” Murguía concluded.