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Gang violence and gang-related issues in the District of Columbia require immediate attention and the implementation of strategies with demonstrated effectiveness. However, in crafting their response, policymakers must adequately consider […]

September 20, 2004

Criminal Justice SystemJuvenile & Criminal JusticeLegislationPolicy and Legislation

This report represents one of the first efforts to document what appears to be a growing pattern of harassment, hate violence, and law enforcement abuse against Hispanics. This actual or […]

May 28, 2004

Civil Rights and Justice

This report outlines specific priorities that together help to inform policymakers, public officials, candidates, and the public about what matters to the Latino community and why. The discussion focuses on […]

February 29, 2004

Criminal Justice SystemEconomy and EmploymentEducationHealth and Nutritionand 3 more tags

This report provides a blueprint for increasing the effectiveness of serving Latino youth in Job Corps centers by developing partnerships with Latino-serving organizations, particularly community-based organizations. It presents a series […]

October 28, 2003

Children and YouthEconomy and EmploymentEducation

Este informe provee una visiOn general sobre la ninez en Puerto Rico, basada en los datos del Censo 2000. Documenta la situaciOn de los ninos en Puerto Rico, cOmo esta […]

August 26, 2003

CensusKIDS COUNT - Puerto Rico

As part of its Latino Empowerment and Advocacy Project (LEAP), NCLR has undertaken initial research to draw a more complete picture of Latino voters and to identify strategies to maximize their voting power.

July 29, 2002

Civic EngagementLatino Empowerment and Advocacy ProjectLEAPVoting

On the surface, this report is about Latino data. But, on a deeper level, it is also about America’s principles and core values. The emerging data provide an opportunity to […]

August 28, 2001


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