Letter to House and Senate LHHS Subcommittees in Support of $2 Billion for Title III
This letter from 163 organizations across the country urges the House and Senate Chairs and Ranking Members of the Labor, Health and Human Services, Education Subcommittees to include in FY2024 appropriations $2 billion for Title III of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)—the federal formula grant program intended to support English learners (ELs) in every state and territory.
Years of underinvestment in Title III have had a disproportionate impact on students of color, low-income students, immigrant students, and students with disabilities. Not only has the EL population grown, but it is increasingly more linguistically and culturally diverse as suburban, exurban, and rural districts have seen dramatic increases in their EL populations. It is important to note that most EL students are U.S.-born citizens. Underinvesting in these students impacts their future success and the success of our nation.