Latino Jobs Report Latino Unemployment Rate Remains High at 12.9%
The July Latino jobs report outlines Latino households experiences with income loss and unemployment insurance programs in the wake of COVID-19. Utilizing data from UnidosUS and Latino Decisions poll on workers in Arizona, Florida, and Texas, this jobs report highlights the barriers to unemployment assistance that Latinos face, despite being eligible for benefits and out of work in large numbers. Unemployment insurance and the additional $600 dollars through the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program are critical for Latino families right now, who are depending on these support programs to pay for necessities, including rent and mortgages, utilities, and food.
While Latinos saw a decrease in unemployment in July, they remain among one of the most impacted groups by both temporary and permanent COVID-closures and income loss. Widespread job loss has exacerbated problems in unemployment systems across the country which are plagued by antiquated and underfunded programs. In order to better support all workers – especially Latinos – states need to invest in their unemployment systems to ensure that eligible workers can receive support.