UnidosUS Blasts Administration’s Latest Cruel Announcement on DREAM Act


WASHINGTON, DC—Today, UnidosUS (formerly NCLR) denounced the so-called conditions set forward by the Trump administration to Congress as a requisite for support of the DREAM Act, a bill that would provide temporary protection to hundreds of thousands of young people who were brought to the United States as children. Despite having reportedly previously agreed to support a clean DREAM bill, the White House has now asked for a litany of enforcement measures to be included in the legislation. These include changing standards for asylum protections, increasing crackdowns on sanctuary cities, the restriction of family categories, and ramping up the interior enforcement force, among others.

“750,000 lives hang in the balance; now is not the time for political tactics disguised as ‘immigration priorities’ to doom the DREAM Act. President Trump has gone back on a promise to support a clean bill and instead is now seeking to sabotage legislation aimed at giving these young people a chance for a stable and prosperous future by loading the bill with unpopular and controversial measures. Sending these so-called ‘conditions’ to Congress is simply a way to stop the bipartisan effort behind a clean DREAM bill,” said Janet Murguía, President and CEO, UnidosUS.

“Trump should keep his promise to DREAMers, do what’s best for the nation and respond to the will of the American people who overwhelmingly support a clean DREAM Act,” Murguía added.