With Coverage for Millions at Risk, NCLR Health Summit Provides Timely Focus on Latino Health and Well-being

WASHINGTON, DC—NCLR (National Council of La Raza) will host a Health Summit in conjunction with the 2017 NCLR Annual Conference, held July 8-11, at the Phoenix Convention Center. The Summit will bring together leading health care advocates including Families USA Executive Director Frederick Isasi; U.S. Representative Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.); National Association of Hispanic Nurses President Anabell Castro-Thompson and NCLR Institute for Hispanic Health Deputy Vice President Rita Carreón, and others, to discuss Latino health issues, health equity and access to quality health care. The event is particularly timely given ongoing efforts in Congress to dismantle our health care system and jeopardize the coverage of more than 22 million Americans.

Summit workshops over the three days will feature rural health, women’s health, preventive and population health, including nutrition and healthy living for multigeneration families, children’s mental health and health care coverage, precision medicine, and more. In addition, the National Latino Family Expo®’s Health and Fitness/Tu Salud pavilion will provide information, products and services regarding health care and nutrition; free health screenings for vision, dental and blood pressure; and group sports, fitness and dance sessions. NCLR’s Advocacy Central will encourage participants to voice their opinions to Arizona Senators John McCain and Jeff Flake on the Republican health bill that puts at risk the coverage of more than 927,000 Latinos in Arizona and would cause the state to lose $19 billion in federal Medicaid funds.

The Health Summit will feature prominent experts and advocates for children’s health, women’s reproductive health, and specific diseases and conditions, in addition to representatives from community groups, Hispanic medical associations and general advocacy campaigns to improve health and well-being of Latino community. A list of speakers, summit workshops and events can be found here.

Press who want to attend must register for the 2017 NCLR Annual Conference (including the Health Summit) at http://www.cvent.com/d/gvqj43/4W.



NCLR Health Summit in conjunction with the 2017 NCLR Annual Conference

The Health Summit runs July 8 through July 10; here is a full agenda of activities and speakers. Highlights include the following:

Health Summit Opening Session—Fostering Healthy, Equitable, and Resilient Communities in an Age of Adversity

Keynote: Anabell Castro-Thompson, President, National Association of Hispanic Nurses

Saturday, July 8

9:00-10:30 a.m. (Room 121)

Town Hall—Protecting and Defending Our Gains in Health Care

Featured: Frederick Isasi, Executive Director, Families USA; Representative

Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.); Carmela Castellano-Garcia, President, California

Primary Care Association; Dr. Elena Rios, President and CEO, National Hispanic Medical Association

Monday, July 10

3:00-4:30 p.m. (Room 121)

National Family Latino Expo Health Screenings

July 8-9: 10:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m.

July 10: 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.

Phoenix Convention Center

100 N. 3rd Street

Phoenix, AZ 85004

Health and health policy experts; Latino leaders and community activists from Arizona and throughout the nation