Important Bills Impacting Florida’s Hispanic Community Take Center Stage During UnidosUS Lobby Day
WASHINGTON, DC—On Thursday, April 4, UnidosUS (formerly NCLR) will join State Representative Rene Plasencia, State Senator Annette Taddeo, State Representative Cindy Polo (D-District 103) and its Florida Affiliates to discuss the disparate impact critical pieces of legislation moving through the state legislature will have on Florida’s Hispanic community and what this could mean for the state’s future economy and workforce. The press event will bring to the forefront Florida SB 1590 (Native Language Assessments) and SB 168 (Federal Immigration Enforcement), legislation that if enacted could effectively help or hinder the economic future of the entire Sunshine State.
The measures at the center of the debate include a Native Language Assessment bill that would ensure English learners receive a quality educational experience by allowing them to take standardized assessment tests in their native language; and an anti–sanctuary cities bill that would force local and state law enforcement to serve as federal immigration agents and threaten Florida’s tourism and agriculture industries.
Leaders will offer perspective on the potential outcomes of these bills and how it could affect Florida’s future economy and workforce.
Interested media should RSVP to Gabriela Gomez at or (202) 776-1732.
WHAT: UnidosUS Florida Lobby Day Press Event
WHEN: Thursday, April 4, 2019 11:45 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
WHERE: Florida State Capitol, 4th Floor Rotunda 400 South Monroe Street Tallahassee, Florida 32399
WHO: State Representative Rene Plasencia (R-District 49)
State Representative Cindy Polo (D-District 103)
State Senator Annette Taddeo (D-District 40)
State Senator Javier Jose Rodriguez (D-District 37)
Eddie Garza, CEO, Mexican American Council
Marucci Guzmán, Executive Director, Latino Leadership