Publication List

Latino youth are treated more harshly by the justice system than white youth, for the same offenses, at all stages in the justice system including police stops, arrests, detention, waiver to the adult criminal justice system, and sentencing.

May 20, 2009

Civil RightsCriminal JusticeJuvenile Justice

This report by the National Council of La Raza concludes that investing in high-quality, comprehensive early childhood education programs could help narrow the growing school readiness gap between Latino and […]

April 30, 2007

Early Childhood EducationEducation

Nearly one in five Latinos (19.6%) faces food insecurity each year, compromising their health and well-being.

December 20, 2006

Food InsecurityHealth and Nutrition

Gang violence and gang-related issues in the District of Columbia require immediate attention and the implementation of strategies with demonstrated effectiveness. However, in crafting their response, policymakers must adequately consider […]

September 20, 2004

Criminal Justice SystemJuvenile & Criminal JusticeLegislationPolicy and Legislation

This report represents one of the first efforts to document what appears to be a growing pattern of harassment, hate violence, and law enforcement abuse against Hispanics. This actual or […]

May 28, 2004

Civil Rights and Justice

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