With Senate Vote on GOP Health Bill Delayed, NCLR Urges Constituents to Make Their Voices Heard During Congressional Recess
WASHINGTON, D.C.—In response to the announcement today that the Senate will delay its vote on the GOP health bill, which would strip health coverage from 22 million Americans and cut more than $770 billion from Medicaid, NCLR (National Council of La Raza) President and CEO Janet Murguía issued the following statement:
“The delayed vote on the Senate health bill is an opportunity for everyone who cares about health care in our nation to reach out during the July 4th Congressional recess and let their senators know that it is unacceptable for them to vote for legislation that would weaken our health care system. Any senator who is even considering supporting this devastating proposal must listen to their constituents’ fears about losing health coverage or paying significantly more in annual premiums and out-of-pocket costs for health care and medicine. The Senate Republicans should not avoid hearing about the pain and suffering their legislation will cause.
Medicaid is essential to Latino children—more than half of whom rely on Medicaid for their health coverage—and to working families, the ill, and the elderly. Latinos have a great deal to lose and we must tell our senators that we will hold them accountable for taking this coverage away from millions of Americans. I urge everyone to call their senators, show up at meetings or their district offices, and send email messages. There is so much at stake and we must do all we can to defeat the threat posed by this devastating bill.”