UnidosUS and Achieve to Release New Briefs Examining ESSA’s Impact on English Learners

WASHINGTON, DC—On Wednesday, May 30, 2018, UnidosUS (formerly NCLR) and Achieve will host an event to release a series of briefs analyzing the progress states have made in ensuring their ESSA plans are meeting the needs of—and improving academic outcomes—for the nearly five million English learners (ELs) in the K-12 public school system.

The event will bring together education advocates and experts to evaluate the extent to which states succeeded in setting ambitious goals for ELs and examine the different approaches states employed to include students’ English language proficiency in their accountability systems. Presenters will also offer insight on the strategies and tools state and local systems can leverage to deliver on the promise of ESSA for ELs, one of several historically-underserved groups.

Under ESSA, states’ education plans are required to outline academic achievement goals applicable to their ELs and develop appropriate indicators to track their progress. The briefing will present key findings from the reports and recommend strategies for states to strengthen their accountability system for ELs.

Interested media can RSVP to [email protected].


WHAT:  UnidosUS and Achieve to Release New Briefs on EL Students
WHEN:  Wednesday, May 30, 2018   12:30 p.m. ET
WHERE:  UnidosUS Headquarters  ABC Conference Room   1126 16th Street, NW  Washington, DC 20036
WHO:  Moderator: Jennifer Sattem, Senior Fellow, Achieve

Findings:  Amreena Hussein, Achieve

Rebeca Shackleford, Education Policy Analyst, UnidosUS

Panelists:   Adam Fernandez, Legislative Staff Attorney, Mexican American Legal & Educational Fund

Amaya Garcia, Deputy Director of English Learner Education, New America

Liz King, Director of Education Policy, The Leadership Conference

Leslie Villegas, Associate Policy Analyst, Migration Policy Institute