UnidosUS Virtual Roundtable “COVID-19 Economic Recovery and the Latino Community”
WASHINGTON, DC—The coronavirus pandemic is having a devastating toll on the Latino community, especially Latino workers. Between March and April 2020, the Latino unemployment rate more than tripled, to 18.9 percent. And recent UnidosUS research shows that 61 percent of Latino households have lost income as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Hispanic Americans are on the front lines of the pandemic in essential jobs like health care and the food supply chain. But they also make up many workers who have lost their jobs in industries that have been devastated by COVID-19 such as hospitality, travel and transportation and restaurants. At the same time, many Latinos are being left out of the protections of economic relief packages. This threatens to undermine economic recovery and public health for all Americans.
This UnidosUS virtual roundtable will outline these challenges and look at potential solutions to make sure all Latinos are included in the nation’s economic recovery.
WHAT: A virtual roundtable hosted by UnidosUS to discuss the importance of economic relief efforts for the Latino community during this pandemic.
WHEN: Wednesday, May 20 at 6 p.m. ET
WHERE: Please register for the Zoom webinar here: https://bit.ly/UnidosUSEconRoundtable
Welcome remarks by UnidosUS President and CEO Janet Murguía
U.S. Representative Ayanna Pressley (D-MA 7th District)
Dr. Rajiv J. Shah, President, The Rockefeller Foundation
Eric Rodriguez, Senior Vice President, Policy and Advocacy, UnidosUS
Moderated by Rafael Bernal, Staff Writer at The Hill