New Esperanza/Hope Fund to Strengthen UnidosUS Response to COVID-19

Coronavirus’s disproportionate impact on Latinos demands immediate action

WASHINGTON, DC—As part of its response to the coronavirus pandemic, UnidosUS, the nation’s largest Latino civil rights and advocacy organization (formerly known as National Council of La Raza) has launched the Esperanza/Hope Fund to provide dedicated resources to elevate a public health response, strengthen our nonprofit Affiliates’ resiliency in crisis, and continue to lead national advocacy to shape policy responses to the pandemic that include the Hispanic community.

“The coronavirus pandemic is having a disproportionate impact on the health and economic well-being of the Hispanic community. This crisis requires immediate action and the Esperanza/Hope Fund will bring both emergency resources to Affiliates and their communities and attention to the impact of the pandemic on Hispanic families,” says Janet Murguía, UnidosUS President and CEO.

“Our Affiliates are responding in new ways, from creating food delivery programs to offering mental health services via telemedicine portals,” says Murguía. “Their actions are sustaining communities right now and UnidosUS is proud to use this fund to invest in these innovative and life-saving practices.”

UnidosUS’ Esperanza Fund will support efforts to combat the health and economic impact of COVID-19 on the Latino community, including providing grants and other resources to its Affiliates to help with emergency assistance for communities and operations, and to acquire new technology to deliver services remotely.

The Fund’s resources will help UnidosUS bring relief, support and information to the eight million people served by the UnidosUS Affiliate network and to countless others in communities across the country.

More information on the Fund can be found here.