Bank On in California

Bank On + UnidosUS in California

Find a low-cost and easy to use bank account

Get your money faster and safer by opening a no-overdraft Bank On certified account now!

No overdraft, no surprise fees, and easy tools to manage your money. Open a Bank On certified bank now!

We are working with Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund, Community Action Board Santa Cruz County, Inc. and Self-Help Enterprises to connect Salinas and Watsonville, CA, residents to safe bank accounts.

What are the benefits of the a Bank On certified bank or credit union account?

  • You can open your own affordable, safe and certified bank account any time, online or in person.
  • Nationally certified Bank On accounts have no overdraft fees.
  • Most Bank On accounts cost $5 per month or less .
  • You can use your Bank On account to manage your money and pay bills at no cost.


Step-by -step


STEP 1: Pick a bank from the list below

STEP 2: Follow the bank’s instructions to open an account online, or go to your local branch to open an account in person.

STEP 3: Use your account to direct deposit funds, pay bills, and manage your money.

Financial Institutions in Salinas and Watsonville, CA offering Bank On certified accounts are listed below. Just look for the Bank On certified seal.

Banks listed in alphabetical order.

Bank of America SafeBalance Banking

  • 1010 E Alisal St., Salinas, CA 93901
  • 405 Main St., Salinas, CA 93901
  • 800 Northridge Shopping Ctr, Salinas, CA 93906
  • 567 Main St., Watsonville, CA 95076

BMO Smart Money Checking

  • 1050 Del Monte Center, Monterey, CA 93940  

Chase Secure Banking Account   

  • 425 Main St., Salinas, CA 93901
  • 1590 N Main St., Salinas, CA 93906
  • 1596 Constitution Blvd., Salinas, CA 93905
  • 630 Main St., Watsonville, CA 95076

Mechanics Bank Bank On Account

  • 307 Main St. Suite 200, Salinas, CA 93901
  • 1285 N Davis Rd., Salinas, CA 93907
  • 1915 Main St., Watsonville, CA 95076

U.S. Bank Safe Debit Account 

  • 1001 S Main St., Salinas, CA 93901
  • 1890 N Main St., Salinas, CA 93906
  • 655 Main St., Watsonville, CA 95076

Wells Fargo Clear Access Banking     

  • 456 S Main St., Salinas, CA 963901
  • 1546 N Main St., Salinas, CA 93906
  • 1037 S Main St., Salinas, CA 93901
  • 820 Northridge Shopping Ctr. Salinas, CA 93906
  • 326 Main St., Watsonville, CA 95076

For more information, you can call 831-471-7766. For more information on Bank On, visit


What is a Bank On certified account, and why is a Bank On certified account right for me? How are they different from other bank or credit union accounts?

National nonprofit organization, the Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund (CFE Fund), created the Bank On National Standards, which outline the features of a safe, affordable checking account. The CFE Fund certifies bank and credit union checking accounts that meet these Standards. Nationally certified Bank On accounts have no overdraft or insufficient funds fees, most are $5 or less a month, and you can use them to manage your money, deposit your paycheck, and pay bills at no extra cost. 

How does having a Bank On bank or credit union account help me?

With a Bank On certified account, you can deposit and manage your money faster and safer than with a paper checkDon’t pay fees for accessing your own money  use a safe account, with no overdraft fees. Your money is secure, as banks and credit unions take your personal security seriously with cutting-edge tools to protect your data; these accounts are also federally insured.  

What do I need to open a Bank On account?

Each financial institution has its own process for account opening, but you may need to provide: a Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) number; state-issued identification like a driver’s license, a passport, or a country-issued identification card; your mailing address; and your date of birth. 

How do I know if I’m opening a Bank On certified account? Are certified accounts always called “Bank On” accounts?

Certified accounts often have different names that don’t include “Bank On.” At a branch, you can ask about the “Bank On certified” or “no overdraft” account. Banks and credit unions often highlight their Bank On certification on their website account page; you can also visit for a full list of all Bank On certified accounts, or for Bank On certified accounts in our community  

Do Bank On certified accounts have monthly fees? What are these fees for?

The Bank On National Account Standards allow a monthly maintenance fee of only $5 or lessBank On certified accounts don’t allow additional overdraft or insufficient funds fees. 

Am I able to open a credit card through the Bank On Account? 

Opening a Bank On certified account helps you start a relationship with a mainstream bank or credit union, and includes an ATM card so you can easily access your moneyYou also may be able to access other products – such as a credit card – at that bank or credit union after opening a Bank On certified account. 

Who is eligible to open a Bank On Account?

Bank On certified accounts are open to the public, regardless of income, or immigration status 

What if I already have an account with an existing bank, can I transition to a Bank On account?

If you have an account at an institution that offers a Bank On certified account, you can talk to the bank or credit union and ask about opening a Bank On certified account. You may be able to transfer funds directly from your existing account to open this one.

If you have an account at another institution that does not offer a Bank On certified account, you can open one of Bank On certified accounts:  You should talk to your current bank or credit union about closing your current account first, and work to transfer your account funds to the new institution. 

What if I don’t have all the required documentation to open up a Bank On account?

One of the strongly recommended (but not required) features of Bank On certification is to accept alternative IDs, like a municipal or consular ID. You can talk to Project Bravo about how to get these IDs. Some institutions with certified accounts also accept customers with ITINs. 


This project is made possible with generous support from Wells Fargo. 

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