2025 UnidosUS Annual Conference
Intro Text
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Learn, Connect, and Collaborate
Join with partners and champions learning to turn your ideas into action to drive lasting change for the Latino community.
Connect in-person with visionary community advocates who are actively designing solutions to pressing Latino issues.
Share best practices and discover innovative approaches to tackle the challenges facing the Latino community.
Director of Community Partnerships
Every conference has provided our team with valuable information that we have been able to take back and incorporate into the work that we do.”
The wealth of Latino families grew 38% from 2019 to 2022, but they still own just 21 centers per every dollar of white median wealth—caused largely by barriers to homeownership.
Join us to learn about the national and local initiatives to grow Latino wealth and economic prosperity by increasing financial literacy and closing the Hispanic homeownership gap.
Positive academic achievement trends for Latino children—who are 1 in 4 students in our nation’s schools—were set back more than 15 years due to the pandemic.
Hear from educators and advocates who are blazing trails and developing best practices to help all students succeed academically from early childhood and K-12 through college and beyond.
Workforce Development
Some 78% of projected net new workers this decade will be Latino. But systemic barriers prevent Latinos from equitable access to family-sustaining jobs.
Learn from community-based and national workforce leaders and practitioners who are championing innovative programs preparing Hispanic workers for successful careers and laying the groundwork for systems change.
Health and wellness are vital to a thriving community. But 1 in 4 Hispanic adults do not have access to health coverage, while lower access to healthy foods and trusted information resources led to Latinos being more likely to suffer preventable diseases such as type 2 diabetes.
Gain insights from community-based and national efforts driven by Latino experts who are fostering health for our community—from ensuring equitable access to nutrition to breaking down misinformation and addressing mental health challenges.
Building Power
The time is now for Latino voters to make their voices heard. Hispanics are the second largest voting group, and 22% of Latinos will be voting in their first presidential election this fall.
Learn how UnidosUS, our community-based Affiliates and national partners are harnessing our collective power to elevate the concerns of Latinos and mobilize our community to act.
Side by Side Quotes
“I learned so much and felt so empowered by all the speakers.”
~ Site Supervisor
“I left uplifted and re-energized to do this work for our community.”
~ Field Director
- Education Program Manager
Absolutely the best conference I’ve ever attended. It was informative, motivating, and full of love and passion for the mission.”