Your Investment at Work

UnidosUS + Mi Familia Vota = Preeminent Latino Voter and Democracy Operation in the U.S.

Inflation, crime and gun violence, and jobs and the economy are top priorities for Hispanic voters, and there is strong support for policies to address them, according to a national poll of the Latino electorate in August. The poll was released as part of a multi-state, multi-year partnership between UnidosUS and Mi Familia Vota, which together represents the most powerful Latino civic engagement and democracy operation in the country.

UnidosUS and Mi Familia Vota are partnering to expand Hispanic participation in elections and policy debates over the next two years. This civic engagement initiative will work with the Hispanic electorate in eight states, including Arizona, California, Georgia, Florida, Nevada, Colorado, Pennsylvania, and Texas. Through this partnership, we will:

  • Register over 100,000 new voters.
  • Prevent voter drop-off by re-engaging with nearly 2 million voters who we connected with in 2020.
  • Inform voters on policy issues and voting access; especially considering the changes made in several of these states making it harder for Americans to vote.
  • Host candidate forums in multiple states with high profile statewide elections.
  • Provide research and data on the perspectives and priorities of Hispanic voters.

With your continued support, we can break the boom-and-bust cycle of traditional electoral engagement. We will build sustained participation systems that connect electoral engagement, policy advocacy, public opinion research, citizenship, and community services. Building upon existing community assets and infrastructure, the two organizations will work to develop and strengthen connections across these voter services between now and 2024.

“Our country is experiencing unprecedented challenges to our democracy. There are forces seeking to undermine our power to advance solutions, and to weaken our civil society at a time our democracy needs us the most. This partnership is our way of saying loud and clear that we are ¡presente!,” said UnidosUS President and CEO Janet Murguía.

Your continued commitment to UnidosUS translates into meaningful, sustainable impact for the Latino community and our nation as a whole. Thank you!

For more information visit

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