The Fight to Protect Our Care Is Not Over
It has been a confusing and unpredictable past few days, but one thing is clear: the fight to protect our health care is not over. Senate Republicans are continuing their reckless quest to pass legislation that would cause tens of millions of Americans—including Latinos—to lose their health coverage.
No matter how many tweaks they make or what name they give it—whether they call it the Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) or the Obamacare Repeal Reconciliation Act (ORRA)–the Senate Republican plan is dangerous. It would cause at least 20 million more Americans to become uninsured and make deep cuts to Medicaid, all while giving a giant tax cut to the wealthiest Americans.
The Senate Republican plan is wrong for America and it is wrong for our communities. It is time for them to stop trying to take away our health care and to start working on bipartisan solutions that give more people the opportunity for quality, affordable, and accessible health coverage.
Our health is on the line—your senators must hear from you!
So call them, tweet them, message them on Facebook, let your senators know how you feel!
Today, July 21, is a National Call-In Day to #ProtectOurCare
For help with what to say, click here.
The fight to #ProtectAndDefend our health care is not over. Keep using your voice! Keep staying loud! Keep fighting!