Tune Out Bigotry this Saturday Night
Despite Donald Trump’s hateful rhetoric toward immigrants and the Latino community, NBC’s Saturday Night Live (SNL) has invited the presidential candidate to host the show this Saturday, November 7.
More than 460,000 people have joined our call to demand NBC rescind its invite to Trump, but the network appears set to go ahead with the shameful move anyway. This is the same network that severed business ties with Trump this past summer after he delivered an inflammatory campaign kickoff speech.
Since NBC won’t disinvite Trump, our community must band together and show the network executives and SNL such bigotry won’t be tolerated. We’re asking you to #TuneOutBigotry on Saturday night and do something better with your evening than spending it with Trump and the SNL cast. Here’s a short list of ideas for you to consider doing instead of supporting a show that props up bigotry.
- Have a conversation with your family or friends about the injection of hate and racism in our democracy and what we can each do to curb it. The political discourse among some candidates running for office has reached new lows. Some have made the calculation that demonizing certain communities will result in a victory. We have come a long way in fighting racism but it is still alive and well. Instead of watching SNL feature a candidate who spews hate, why not spend some time talking about what we can each do to recognize racism and fight it in our own communities?
- Register to vote. If you don’t like what you’re hearing from any of the candidates this election, voting is the only way to change that. But first you have to register. Instead of watching SNL this Saturday night, do something better for your community: take some time to register to vote and ask your friends and family to do the same! Come next November, you’ll be ready to make your voice heard.
- Sign up for health care. The third open enrollment season of the Affordable Care Act is here and the Latino community still lags behind others in getting coverage. Instead of watching a candidate who demonizes our community, take some time to explore your health care options and get covered.
- Spend time with your loved ones. It’s Saturday night, so consider turning off the TV altogether to better enjoy the company of your friends and family.
Doing something else on Saturday night? Tell us on social media what you’re doing by using #TuneOutBigotry in your posts.
There are thousands of other things you could do other than watch SNL this weekend. Whatever you choose, make sure that tuning into NBC is not one of them.