Following the Road to Enrollment

We know there has been confusion lately over a number of issues about the Affordable Care Act’s implementation.  Unfortunately, not much has been done to put consumers on that golden road to enrollment.  To help drown out some of the noise, we have created a resource in English and Spanish with key dates and reminders you need to know about the enrollment period.



The Affordable Care Act represents a historic opportunity for millions of Americans to obtain affordable, quality health insurance.  Latinos in particular stand to benefit significantly.  With 15.5 million Latinos uninsured, including 2.5 million children, we make up one-third of the total uninsured population in the United States.  However, the new health insurance marketplace has the potential to decrease this considerably, as 10.2 million Latinos are eligible for coverage.  The Kaiser Commission on Medicaid and the Uninsured estimates that based on the income of nonelderly Hispanic Latinos, 38 percent will be eligible for some form of subsidy to further decrease the cost of the insurance plan they purchase through the marketplace.

There is so much at stake for the Latino community, and all Americans.  That’s why we’re committed to ensuring that those who are eligible maximize the full benefits of the law.  Want to stay informed?  Join our action network.  Just text HEALTH to 62571 and you’ll get the latest updates about the Affordable Care Act and other NCLR health initiatives.

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