#LATISM Twitter Party: Let’s Chat About The Impending Sequester
By Elianne Ramos, LATISM
(Cross-posted from the LATISM blog)
Here we go again: There’s the farcical finger-pointing, the looming deadline, the hyped up countdown. This time, we’re staring at the face of yet another financial ‘apocalypse’ as the so-called Sequester is about to take effect in a couple of days. The spending cuts, commonly called the sequester, are part of the Budget Control Act passed in 2011. Plainly speaking, the Sequester means that a series of budget cuts affecting everything from from military training to educational grants to border patrols to hurricane relief, could potentially go into effect on March 1, 2013.
For the average American, including Latinos, this means a lot of the public services we enjoy everyday could be severely affected. As you can see in the NCLR infographic below, cuts in discretionary domestic spending means the end of funding for essential government programs that aid poor and vulnerable citizens, namely Latinos, who are among those hit hardest by the Great Recession.
So is there anything we can do to prevent this from happening, or do we just sit around and hold our breath? Join #LATISM tonight as we chat with special guests @NCLR who will be answering your questions and help us figure out a game plan! We can do this!
DATE: Tonight, February 21, 2013
HOSTESS: @ergeekgoddess
Hashtags: #OurEconomy #LATISM