#Adelante2020: 125,000 Registered Voters!

This week UnidosUS reached a milestone: our civic engagement efforts have resulted in more than 125,000 eligible voters registering to vote for the 2020 elections, greatly surpassing the 80,000 goal we set after the pandemic hit.

In March, UnidosUS’s in-person canvassing efforts were paused, and we put in motion our digital canvassing plan in conjunction with our Affiliate Network. We tapped into our LEAP Affiliates to shift our efforts and ensure Latinos were reached and registered to vote this election cycle, and our Affiliates were ready to take on the task. Today, we highlight two of them doing extraordinary work to have our community’s voice heard.

By Beatriz Paniego-Béjar, Content Specialist, UnidosUS

In 2020, 32 million Latinos will be of voting age, and it is expected that between 14-15 million Latinos will cast their ballots in this election. Through UnidosUS’s Latino Empowerment and Advocacy Program (LEAP) we are working diligently to see those numbers fulfilled.

LEAP, established in 2001 to create greater Hispanic participation in the political process, is a network of Latino community-based organizations across the country—especially service-providers—that engage unregistered, newly registered, and infrequent voters. LEAP partners focus their efforts on nonpartisan, repeated voter contact and education, using modern campaign and outreach tools.

Given this year’s unexpected and exceptional situation, those modern campaign and outreach tools have translated in targeted social media engagement, as well as safe physical distancing canvassing.


When you visit our Colorado Affiliate Colorado Latino Leadership Advocacy & Research Organization (CLLARO)’s website, it will prompt you with a message to register to vote, one of the strategies they’ve established to get Latinos participating in the elections of 2020. For this Affiliate, digital canvassing has been key this year as well as using their social media channels to connect and engage Latinos in the election process.

However, understanding the uniqueness of the in-person connection for Hispanics, CLLARO re-launched a full-scale canvassing in Pueblo, one of the largest Latino communities outside of Denver, in August 15. Since then, this Far West Affiliate has registered more than 500 new voters, and they plan to continue their efforts through Colorado’s voter registration deadline on October 26.


Another UnidosUS’s LEAP organization is our Affiliate HOLA Ohio. This organization has tapped into their volunteer network: their voter registration success has been possible thanks to a dedicated group of community members who engaged their own families, friends, and neighbors to reach HOLA’s goal of registering more than 500 new voters.

This year we will be a powerful force in advancing a strong and positive vision of America, so make sure you create your plan to vote: visit adelanteunidos.com to make yours and encourage your loved ones to do it too. You can also follow the hashtag #Adelante2020 on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn; and keep in touch with us on those platforms at @WeAreUnidosUS to stay tuned for the latest information about the campaign.

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