NCLR Condemns the Executive Order on Refugees and Muslim Immigration
Here is the full statement from NCLR on the appalling executive order on refugees and Muslims issued by the president:
Continuing to undermine our country’s position as a beacon of freedom, today the Trump administration overreached with an extreme and inhumane executive order that would suspend immigration from a host of Muslim-majority countries and could affect refugee programs.
“The America I know does not put up walls. We do not use law enforcement to terrorize communities. We do not round up people who are not violent criminals. We do not only accept immigrants if they are from the ‘right’ religion. We do not turn our backs on vulnerable people fleeing persecution and horrific violence. That is not who we are or who we ought to be. In short, these orders are as un-American as it gets,” said NCLR President and CEO Janet Murguía.
“The America I know is a country that has accepted refugees from all over the world. In turn, these new Americans have immeasurably strengthened our country. From Cubans to the Vietnamese to Central Americans to Soviet Jews, refugees have given us their talents, drive, and energy, serving as examples of our highest ideals as a nation,” Murguía said.
“We have every right to carefully vet those seeking to enter our nation to ensure that they are not a danger to our security. That is why we already extensively vet those who come to our country. But we shouldn’t allow politics to lead us to the unspeakable cruelty of not providing a safe haven to people who are suffering,” said Murguía.
“Lastly, these orders also threaten our standing in the world. When the most prosperous society on Earth fails to accept a reasonable share of refugees, it loses credibility when calling on others to protect human rights and civil liberties. It abandons the ability to demand that American citizens are protected when traveling abroad. And it forgoes the opportunity to recruit others to the cause of liberty, freedom, and equality for all people, regardless of race or religion,” said Murguía.