Fulfilling the Promise of the Affordable Care Act for the Latino LGBT Community
Since the Affordable Care Act (ACA) was signed into law, nearly 18 million Americans, including four million Latinos, have gained access to health care. This open enrollment period alone has seen well over two million signups, including more than 700,000 new consumers in the federal health insurance marketplace. While we have made a lot of progress, we must continue to reach out to all groups, especially within the Latino community, where one in five remains uninsured.
The lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) Latino population has long faced barriers preventing them from obtaining quality health care. The ACA works to address these disparities, providing important protections and benefits to ensure everyone in the LGBT community can access the care they need.
For many in LGBT community, living with HIV, diabetes, cancer, or other chronic conditions, presented a barrier to obtaining health services. A preexisting condition once meant someone could be legally barred from getting insurance, but thanks to the ACA, people with preexisting conditions can no longer be denied coverage.
To ensure everyone has the right to health care, recent civil rights protections in the ACA expressly prohibit discrimination on the basis of sex, race, class, age, disability, and now sexual orientation. The provision, known as Section 1557, applies nondiscrimination protections to all health programs that receive funding from the federal government. Plans sold through the federal health insurance marketplace are covered under this law, as are hospitals, clinics, and other health care providers. Federal programs like Medicaid and Medicare are all covered under this provision as well.
The ACA has helped Latino LGBT individuals gain access to the health care they deserve. NCLR remains committed to communicating what the ACA means for LGBT people and ensuring the promise and benefits of the ACA reach our entire community!
It is important to make sure you and your loved ones stay healthy in 2016. Open enrollment is in full swing and the deadline to get covered is January 31, 2016. To find a health plan that best fits your needs, head to healthcare.gov or CuidadoDeSalud.gov and get covered!