Highlights from the Last Day of the 2015 NCLR Annual Conference

The final day of our 2015 NCLR Annual Conference started was capped by NCLR by the Annual President’s Message from our President and CEO, Janet Murguia. It was preceded by the last of our workshops and followed by our final town hall, which was dedicated to technology and how we can bridge the digital divide.

See highlights below from our final day.

This morning, Politico published an exclusive preview of Murguia’s speech.

The day was started with off several workshops, including some final sessions for our STEM track.

Shortly after noon, it was time for the Tuesday Luncheon, which featured the annual President’s Message.


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Finally, it was time for the annual President’s Message.

After those riveting remarks, guests made their way over to the last Town Hall of the conference, dedicated to bridging the digital divide.

Thanks to everyone who attended our 2015 gathering. Don’t forget to follow @NCLR for daily updates. We’ll see you next year in Orlando!

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