Give America a Vote on Immigration Reform!
Democrats in the House of Representatives have revealed their latest move in the fight to pass immigration reform, a legislative tactic known as a “discharge petition.” To put it plainly, a discharge petition allows a bill to be moved out of committee and to the House floor regardless of objections, as long as 218 House members, a majority, sign it. The Democrats are calling it the “Give Us a Vote” petition and it is aimed at pressuring their Republican colleagues, many of whom have said they would vote for reform, to show they mean it by forcing them to vote on it.
NCLR President and CEO, Janet Murguía, in a statement, had this to say about the House Democrats most recent maneuver:
“When it comes to immigration reform, House Republican leadership isn’t doing any leading at all; they remain the biggest roadblock to Congress delivering a permanent solution that will bring order and stability to our immigration system, and economic growth to our country. It is time for the coalition of the willing to step forward. Our community demands relief from the humanitarian crisis caused by deportations, and we will remember who intervened to resolve it. House Republican leadership is not fooling Latino voters. By stalling on legislation, they are directly contributing to this crisis. They have a chance to move forward, or they will lose the Latino vote for generations to come.”