What Do You Want President Obama to Address at the State of the Union?
The State of the Union is today at 9 PM EST. What issues are you hoping President Obama addresses in his speech? We posed that question to our Mobile Action Network, and below are a sampling of the responses we received.
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Immigration and mental helth for seniors.
11 million undocumented immigrants. Stop separating families.
El presidente debe hablar de la reforma migratoria como de la educacion y el futuro del pais economicamente.
Vanessa from Oregon: More low cost housing.
Guadalupe from California: Bring back the middle class!
Carlos from New York: Economia, migracion, salud.
Cynthia from California: Pathway to citizenship, income inequality, women’s rights.
Concrete steps that the president can and will take independent of Congress to move along his stated goals as it pertains to employment opportunities.
Suppressed wages, unemployment assistance, food stamps, wealth inequality, education, immigration and other critical issues facing people on Main Street.
Alejandro from Arkansas: Consumer protections for non-citizens and limited English proficient individuals.
Veterans health care, benefits, jobs, & business development.
Please push hard against inequality, call the Republicans by name everyone should have a chance at a better life also push against against voter ID.
<Specific presidential goals to make inmigration reforrm law approved in congress this year.
Betiana from New Jersey: Early childhood education, immigration.
Maria from Georgia: I want president to talk about what he is gonna do to pass immigration reform and stop deportations.
Lea from Arizona: Dear President Obama- Please address the challenge our small businesses face in getting bank loans in this slow recovering economy.
I’d like the President to discuss minimum wage and veterans’ services taking so long to receive.
Oscar from Texas: What will ur next move be on the immigration overhaul? What details can you offer on keeping the rapidly rising cost of tuition/education down?
Abdin from Oklahoma: DREAM Act
If he will address Puerto Rico statehood.
Raising the minimum wage.
Gun control. Please.
Income disparity and Women’s Rights.
Karen from Nevada: Education, immigration, integrity as members of a global community, veterans and racism are all issues close to my heart as a black-immigrant-educator.
El recorte de todo tipo de ayuda para las personas de bajo recurso sobre todo para los mayores de 50 anos.
Celia from Michigan: Expand support for community college trade programs.
GMO & GE Foods & what is his stance on it.
I’d like to see the president address more on immigration reform. Helping our loved ones keep their jobs and allow them to study!
I need the Pres. to address Social Security. We who lost our Pensions & 401Ks in the crash of 2007-2008 only have SS to live on and it’s barely enough.
Anzorena from California: Unemployment benefits for those who are struggling to find a job.
Stephen from New York: Minimum wage to fifteen dollars an hour. Labor union rights.
Improving Race Relations.
Ofelia from Illinois: Affordable Housing
Lucreda from Virginia: Poverty reduction in the US and job creation.
I think POTUS should discuss successes of ACA, bipartisan successes for example budget, stabilization and growth in the economy and achievements.
Vince from California: Gun violence.
Wanda from Illinois: Student loan forgiveness.
Manuel from Florida: I want to hear him saying. I will stop deportations.
Brandi from New York: Student debt.
GMO & GE Foods & what is his stance on it.
Federico from Virginia: Strengthen our democracy and stop the madness with election reform!
Responsible parenting and breaking negative cycles within older models of family dynamics to further and promote education.
Lisa from Texas: I want to hear the importance that we Latinos are to the US. From Education, workforce, equal rights for all, etc. I hope he mentions our influence in the country and we can’t be ignored. Fix immigration. Do it.
Where is the jobs bill?! Our young people need hope for a future that pays a living wage and offers opportunity for growth. Many have given up hope…. and entered into chronic depression.Many are wallowing in despair and constant rejection when prospective employers don’t bother to even respond to their applications for employment. Discouraging to say the least.
Initiatives to help mom & pop business that are struggling these days.
Mara from California: Immigration reform to include and fast track our youth towards citizenship.
Elvira from Illinois: Despite the bailout banks (Chase) still not helping people refinance or get mortgages. My son & daughter-in-law have an excellent rating and want to build a home. We gave the the land to build on. They have saved for years. Chase which is our family bank does not offer loans to build. What a shame!!! we want them to stay in Chicago – but obstacles continue.
As many Mexican Americans, I have been unemployed for far too long; we need jobs now!
Mario from Texas: Need to address immigration reform and update on health care stats..I was able to register my 25 year old son at work…These number will not show up as registered on the new health care web site but it is happening with current employers making family coverage available.
Jerry from Georgia: Compromise with GOP house of reps for immigration reform this year.
Glover from Montana: Renewables go to head of class. Coal oil & natural gas has to be safer for the public.
Carolina from Massachusetts: Education and converting to a federal teaching licensing system.
Martha from California: Solve immigration issues. We need an expedient pathway for citizenship for families that have been here undocumented for more than 10-15years!
Bonnie from California: Minimum wage and extended unemployment.
Carol from Kentucky: I want President to address raising taxes on the wealthy/elimination of tax loopholes/ending tax breaks to companies who pollute our water and air and who send jobs out of the country!!
Kali from Minnesota: Immigration Reform… More specifically how reform will give relief to the 4.1 million households of USC and UDP mixed status families.
CREATE NATIONAL JOBS PROGRAM a la WPA to rebuild infrastructure and hire new graduates & long term unemployed.
I would like him to address issues and questions regarding the new health care act. And for those that have not yet purchased their health plan. The cost and penalties. Penalties that I think the people should not be forced to pay.
Walter from Virginia: CIR, with a path to earned legalization – no piece meal approach; transportation infrastructure with transit emphasis; ACA and the Latino community; income inequality; and voting rights act enforcement.
Kristiana from Colorado: Immigration reform for ALL immigrants (not only Dreamers)and the growing gap between the extremely-rich and the widening/deepening pool of poverty that is swallowing more families daily.
Reinstate unemployment benefits to long time unemployed…reinstate food stamps to th poor…reinstate meals to the senior citizens financially needing this assistance.
The views above do not necessarily represent those of NCLR, its staff, Board, or Affiliates.