NCLR Looks Forward to Working with the JPMorgan Chase Foundation

NCLR is pleased to announce a significant grant from the JPMorgan Chase Foundation this month that will enable us to advance our core mission of improving opportunities for Hispanic Americans.

With this new investment, NCLR and the JPMorgan Chase Foundation are building on a long history of shared growth and success.  This year’s grant will support critical NCLR programs that are helping low- and moderate-income Latino families recover from the recession and regain their financial footing.  Essential to this effort is the NCLR Homeownership Network (NHN), which provides first-time homebuyer and foreclosure prevention counseling and trains NCLR Affiliates who are working on the front lines in Latino communities across the country.Serving low-income and struggling Latino homeowners in 27 states, the NHN offers housing counseling and foreclosure prevention services to families fighting to stay in their homes and protect their hard-earned slice of the American Dream.  Thanks to support from the JPMorgan Chase Foundation, NCLR’s 49 Affiliates who are U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)–certified housing counseling agencies will serve nearly 50,000 families each year.  To date, these dedicated NHN Affiliates have counseled 440,000 households and assisted over 30,000 in purchasing their first home.  In the coming year, the NHN will continue to aid the recovery of struggling homeowners and neighborhoods, and NCLR will provide certified training to the counselors who support those families.

Additionally, support from the JPMorgan Chase Foundation has allowed NCLR to deepen its presence in three key states with large Latino populations—California, Texas, and Florida—and develop stronger relationships with our network of nearly 300 Affiliates.  In the coming year, NCLR will continue its training and professional development for NCLR Affiliate staff who help low- and moderate-income Latino families every day.  Previously, NCLR offered 64 staff development trainings to 3,600 Affiliate staff, and we anticipate additional trainings this year.

Support from JPMorgan Chase assists the core mission and work of NCLR.  We are happy to announce this important grant and eager to get to work to ensure that Latino families have the tools they need to obtain affordable housing and improve their quality of life.

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