Tell Your Senator to Vote YES on Leahy 1183!

April10_Leahy1183amendmentpicLate this afternoon, the Senate will vote on a critical amendment that could decide the future of immigration reform. The vote is on Leahy amendment 1183, which includes an agreement negotiated by a group of senators including Senator Corker (R–Tenn.) and Senator Hoeven (R–N.D.). This amendment represents a compromise that will allow for a strong bipartisan vote on the legislation in the Senate and send a strong signal to the House.

Call (877) 746-2575 now and tell your senators to vote YES on Leahy amendment 1183!

This agreement, while not the exact policy we would like, allows the legislation to move forward and maintains a road to citizenship for 11 million aspiring Americans. This amendment will ensure that the road to citizenship is not impeded by unacceptable measures that would prevent people from being able to adjust their status. There will be other votes later in the week for cloture motions to end debate and for the final passage of the bill. But today’s vote on the Leahy amendment is important to building support and momentum for final passage of the legislation later this week!

Be the DifferenceMake the call now! Dial (877) 746-2575 and tell your senators that you want to see a vote for final passage on immigration this week.

The votes this week are critical to ensuring that the Senate passes a bill that includes a road to citizenship for the 11 million aspiring Americans. We will send you an update later in the week so that you can call again and let your senators know that you are counting on them to pass immigration reform this year!

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