Today We Rally for Citizenship!

Today’s the day! We’re joining thousands of activists from around the country to tell Congress that the time is now for immigration reform. And, not just any reform. Real reform must include a path to citizenship for immigrants who are living here without papers. If we want to resolve the status of the undocumented population and fix our broken system, we need to make it possible for all 11 million immigrants who qualify to actually apply.
We know you may not all be able to join us in Washington today, but you don’t have to miss the action. Check out the livestream above. Things get started at 3 ET. You can also join in virtually by Instagramming a photo of you showing your support. Just tag it with #UniteUSA and it will automatically be added to our Facebook page photo album.
We’re looking forward to seeing your tweets and Facebook posts. Thanks for joining the fight!