All in for Citizenship at the April 10 Rally!


Next Wednesday, leaders in the labor, civil rights, and faith communities will gather at the Capitol Building in Washington, DC, to say “now is the time” for real, comprehensive immigration reform along with tens of thousands of supporters in a major rally on April 10, 2013.

Convened by a coalition of Latino leaders, the rally will take place on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol at 3:00 p.m. EDT on Wednesday, April 10, and will urge Congress and the president to work together to achieve a bill that includes a realistic path for citizenship for undocumented Americans.

With supporters ranging from the labor community’s SEIU International and the United Auto Workers Union to NCLR Affiliate CASA de Maryland, the rally comes at a time when the bipartisan “Gang of 8” senators are poised to unveil their preliminary immigration reform proposal.

JUANESFor their part, Latino celebrities, such as Colombian singer-songwriter Juanes (pictured), Puerto Rican singer Olga Tañon, and Univision’s ¡Despierta América! morning show hosts Karla Martinez, Alan Tacher, Raúl González, and Ana Patricia González, have all expressed their support.

While the rally’s attendees are sure to be diverse, representing civil rights organizations, the labor community, and faith organizations, the message remains simple:  the time is now for comprehensive immigration reform and the 11 million undocumented immigrants of America deserve justice before the law through a meaningful pathway to citizenship.

NCLR will be at the Capitol this Wednesday to demonstrate our strong support for immigration reform and to document the event for all those that live far away from Washington.  We’ll keep you posted with rally hashtags #A10 and #TimeIsNow as we work toward justice for the 11 million aspiring Americans in the days going forward.

For more information from the rally organizers, visit and check out Facebook!

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