Why We’re All About Purple Today
Today is Spirit Day, and that means we’re joining thousands of people, organizations, and corporations throughout America in going purple to show our support for LGBT equality and our opposition to bullying.
For us, there is no question that the fight for LGBT equality is an integral part of the broader fight for civil rights, which is why we are proud to call ourselves allies of the LGBT community. We recognize that when our communities work in tandem, we become stronger and move forward together.
Members of the Latino community, however, already know this:
- According to a 2012 Pew Hispanic Center report, 59% of Hispanics say that “homosexuality should be accepted by society.”
- According to a 2010 Bendixen & Amandi International poll:
- 80% of Latinos believe that gay people often face discrimination.
- 83% of Latinos support housing and employment nondiscrimination protections.
- 73% of Latinos support gays and lesbians serving openly in the military.
- 75% of Latinos support school policies to prevent the harassment and bullying of students who are or perceived to be gay.
- 55% of Latinos (and 68% of Latino Catholics) say that being gay is morally acceptable.
Those are the numbers, but just who are these Latinos? Well, many of them include members of the National Council of La Raza (NCLR) staff. Today we’re taking the opportunity to feature some of them. The folks below are but a sampling of the many supportive staff members who believe wholeheartedly in LGBT equality and the mission to defeat bullying in all forms..
I’m a proud LGBT ally because my best friend and her new wife make a beautiful family. –Maria Moser (she’s in the black suit on the left), Director of Education, Midwest, NCLR
Vanessa Belsito, Senior Associate, Corporate Relations, Resource Development, NCLR
Ruben Gonzales, Deputy Vice President, Resource Development, NCLR
Meet Maya (above) and Bobby (below), two of the LGBT community’s youngest supporters. They’re also the lovely children of our Director of Education, California & Far West, Feliza Ortiz-Licon.
Sherry San Miguel, Graphic Designer and Project Coordinator, Integrated Marketing and Events, NCLR
Naomi Sosa, Integrated Marketing and Events, NCLR
Samantha Ferm, Marketing & Outreach Manager, Integrated Marketing and Events, NCLR
Maria Fischer Millet, Senior Event and Meeting Planner, Integrated Marketing and Events, NCLR
David Castillo (left), New Media Manager, Communications, NCLR, and his partner, James G. Holmes.
Ellie Klerlein, Associate Director, Digital Organizing, Office of Research, Advocacy, and Legislation, NCLR
Octavio Espinal, Associate Director, Office of the President, NCLR
So tell us: What does Spirit Day mean to you?