This is what’s happening in Congress this week

UnidosUS is hard at work on Capitol Hill, monitoring the policies and legislation that are most important to our community.

Here are some of the most pressing issues that we’re seeing this week:

  • The House of Representative’s impeachment inquiry into President Trump continues to dominate on Capitol Hill, with additional witnesses scheduled to testify this week.
  • The 2020 fiscal year has just begun, and a continuing resolution approved by Democrats and Republicans means that the government is funded until November 21. This gives the House and the Senate five weeks to come to an agreement on the budget to keep the federal government open.
  • Some of the spending bills are controversial: those for the Department of Labor, Health and Human Services, Education, and Department of Homeland Security.
  • The spending bill that was proposed by Senate Republicans for the Department of Homeland Security includes full funding for President Trump’s border wall.

Stay tuned for another policy update next week on what we’re seeing out of Washington.

For more information on our policy priorities, you can follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram at @weareunidosus, or read about the issues on our blog.