“It’s critical that we make our voices heard”: Janet Murguía responds to Trump’s State of the Union speech
After last night’s State of the Union address, UnidosUS President and CEO Janet Murguía presents her remarks on Trump’s speech, which aspired to be a unifying address, but only continued to promote division for our country.
Murguía’s response focuses on how Trump’s harmful actions (separation of families, government shutdown, obstinacy on building an unnecessary wall) are not allowing our country to move forward and work on pressing issues such as immigration reform, economic security, investments in education, and access to quality, affordable health care.
Murguía ends with a call to action for all of us: “We are not powerless.”
We have the power of our vote, and the duty to be politically engaged, not only during election years, but all year round. Don’t miss Murguía’s video response below.