Highlights from the 2016 NCLR Latino Voter Summit
This week, NCLR hosted the 2016 Latino Voter Summit in Washington, DC. Advocates and NCLR Affiliates from 25 states, DC, and Puerto Rico gathered at Gallaudet University to learn about how we can encourage and increase participation in the democratic process in Latino communities.
Below are some highlights from the summit.
The day began with a session for Latino youth to help them craft and tell compelling stories that will inspire others to vote.
NCLR staffer Janet Hernandez leads a session for youth on how to craft a powerful story. #LatinosVoteApp pic.twitter.com/qEKxO92G9H
— NCLR (@NCLR) March 9, 2016
Advocates from across the country came for this week’s summit.
Latino advocates from 25 states are with us at today’s #Latino Voter Summit. #LatinosVoteApp pic.twitter.com/kj3Dfm7uBg
— NCLR (@NCLR) March 9, 2016
250 participants, 25 states + DC and Puerto Rico, 80 youth say presente @NCLR #LatinosVote Summit pic.twitter.com/XmufMHViis
— Renata Soto (@RenataSotoTN) March 9, 2016
Adelante Ambassadors ready to advocate for issues that matter to youth @NCLR Advocacy Days -CDS pic.twitter.com/62oUZacGUk
— LAYC (@THELAYC) March 9, 2016
Participando en la #Cumbre de #NCLR #LatinoVoterSummit. Download the #LatinosVoteApp @NCLR @somosmitu #Washington pic.twitter.com/JxW0FOtAYR
— Geovanny Vicente (@geovannyvicentr) March 9, 2016
This year, NCLR partnered with mitu to develop an app that would make voter registration easier than ever. The Latinos Vote app is available now in both iTunes and Google Play. Download it today to register yourself and your friends and family!
Download #LatinosVote from iTunes or Google Play today and register to vote! pic.twitter.com/wrO7nq5TgQ
— NCLR (@NCLR) February 4, 2016
Registered to vote? Download the Latinos Vote app! Make sure your voice is heard! #LatinosVoteApp #LatinosVote @NCLR pic.twitter.com/40pTRKLL16
— LatinoProgress (@CenterLatino) March 9, 2016
After a spirited morning session, it was time for lunch and to hear from other NCLR representatives about the issues our community is facing.
Latino Voter Summit attendees gather for lunch and to hear about how they can get out the vote. #LatinosVoteApp pic.twitter.com/Q60RvDRPpJ
— NCLR (@NCLR) March 9, 2016
#Latinosvoteapp @nclr @somosmitu with NCLR n Somos mitú #voteitloud #latinosvote register to vote #Election2016 pic.twitter.com/4hFzdPUSHK
— Ricardo Villalba (@GoRickyRicardo) March 9, 2016
NCLR President and CEO, Janet Murguia, was also on hand to reiterate the importance of voting for our community.
.@JMurguia_NCLR: We will not be a punching bag. We must use the power of our vote to punch back. #LatinosVoteApp pic.twitter.com/xFyF1DnbVq
— NCLR (@NCLR) March 9, 2016
Watch her give the speech at the NCLR Capital Awards, which was held the night prior to the Latino Voter Summit.
Throughout the summit, attendees were sharing with the world their excitement to vote.
@NCLR @somosmitu Register to vote at #Latinosvoteapp #latinosvote @NCLRamigos @THELAYC #voteitloud #Election2016 pic.twitter.com/1Ee53tww4e
— Ricardo Villalba (@GoRickyRicardo) March 9, 2016
I just downloaded the Latinos Vote app and I’m stoked, as you can see! #latinovotesapp @nclr @wearemitu pic.twitter.com/xR51Kccq14
— Rebecca DeLeon (@RebeccaADeLeon) March 9, 2016
You too, can register in less than 5 minutes to vote through @NCLR and @somosmitu! #LatinosVoteApp pic.twitter.com/7yawgsdG8p
— konyliss (@konyliss) March 9, 2016
Summit attendees were also treated to the vocal stylings of rising social media star, Matt Hunter.
#LatinosVoteApp @somosmitu @wearemitu @NCLR ?????? pic.twitter.com/5fgLMVIjZf
— Matt Hunter #HUNTERS (@matthunter123) March 9, 2016
Hunter, who recently turned 18, also registered to vote using the Latinos Vote app and encouraged others to do the same.
“I want to have a say with what happens in our country.” —@matthunter123, newly-registered voter. #LatinosVoteApp pic.twitter.com/s9hCPXmF52
— NCLR (@NCLR) March 9, 2016
Some of the reasons we need to vote.
CHCF wants to know: WHY DO YOU VOTE? #LatinosVoteApp
Vote for your rights!!! pic.twitter.com/c6CkIvQ7ZZ
— CHCF (@CHCF_Inc) March 9, 2016
We vote for health coverage for all! #LatinosVoteApp #latinosvote pic.twitter.com/AuWzFXWHpb
— NCLR Health (@NCLRHealth) March 9, 2016
Here are the senators supporting #DAPA and expanded #DACA. Thank them for their support! #LatinosVoteApp pic.twitter.com/KhttXp018J
— NCLR (@NCLR) March 9, 2016
@NCLR Affiliates from #Idaho came all the way to DC to #StopTheDebtTrap pic.twitter.com/azbFIqoyzF
— Marisabel (@marisabel81) March 9, 2016
Summit attendees on why they vote.
We asked Latino Voter Summit attendees to tell us why they vote. Here’s what some of them said. https://t.co/wXyDqXWgkG #LatinosVote
— NCLR (@NCLR) March 9, 2016
The second half of the summit was dedicated to visits to Capitol Hill to talk to members of Congress and their staff about the issues affecting our community. It was kicked off with a press briefing on the results of a poll that was conducted at the summit the day before.
We’re on Capitol Hill today for a briefing on the pulse of the #Latino vote. Follow #LatinosVote for live updates.
— NCLR (@NCLR) March 10, 2016
.@SenatorMenendez: Remember that we can make a difference, that elections have consequences. #LatinosVote pic.twitter.com/G8ciA8BnrV
— NCLR (@NCLR) March 10, 2016
Latinos are the fastest growing small business owners. LatinAs lead the way. @senmendez121 @NCLR #LatinosVoteApp pic.twitter.com/sL714KNLmR
— CHCF (@CHCF_Inc) March 10, 2016
Blanca Guillen-Woods unveils results of our Latino Voter Summit survey. #LatinosVote @LatinoDecisions pic.twitter.com/DA7WB9qSns
— NCLR (@NCLR) March 10, 2016
Some top lines: 28% believe policy makers in DC are doing a good job at taking Latinos into account when discussing issues. #LatinosVote
— NCLR (@NCLR) March 10, 2016
Over 97% supported policies that address climate change. #LatinosVote
— NCLR (@NCLR) March 10, 2016
92% of Latinos surveyed were in favor of comprehensive immigration reform. #LatinosVote
— NCLR (@NCLR) March 10, 2016
90% of Latinos surveyed support raising the federal minimum wage. #LatinosVote
— NCLR (@NCLR) March 10, 2016
Together we can create change!!!
NY Senators @SenSchumer & @SenGillibrand along with @CHCF_Inc & @NCLR #LatinosVote pic.twitter.com/GfDcWNTBb6— CHCF (@CHCF_Inc) March 10, 2016
We’re meeting with @SenatorCardin‘s office thanks for continued support of LAYC @NCLR @CarecenDC -AR pic.twitter.com/FTFb1yEyVH
— LAYC (@THELAYC) March 10, 2016
After the summit, the advocates who attended will head back to their communities, ready to register Latinos and get them to the polls. What are you doing to ensure your community votes?