Together We Can Beat Diabetes in Our Communities
According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), the risk of diabetes can vary among Hispanic subgroups in the United States. However, Latinos overall are at greater risk for diabetes than non-Hispanic Whites. The ADA refers to a 2014 study by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute that examines the prevalence of diabetes in the Latino community—at nearly 17 percent (including an estimate of those who are not yet diagnosed)—compared with just over 10 percent among non-Hispanic Whites.
Nearly 80 percent of Latinos in the U.S. are overweight or obese, putting them at risk for stroke, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. NCLR is working with several partners to address the issues of nutrition and health within the Latino community:
- Community organizations throughout the nation are part of NCLR’s Comprando Rico y Sano program that provides information and resources to boost healthy eating and reduce hunger among Latinos. Visit our web page to find a local group near you, healthy recipes that are easy and affordable, and information on enrolling in a federal nutrition assistance program.
- The YMCA has a coalition that includes NCLR and works to increase awareness of diabetes and diabetes prevention. Are you one of the 86 million Americans with prediabetes? Take this quick online diabetes screening test to assess your risk and see if you should talk to a doctor. Check out information from the ADA on what you can do to lower your risk or delay getting type 2 diabetes.
- NCLR also works with Peers for Progress to help more people learn about the effectiveness of peer support programs in managing chronic diseases including diabetes. Watch this video (also below) and learn how community-focused and culture-specific peer support programs can help diabetes patients experience improved, longer-lasting health outcomes.
Want to learn more? Join us for a Twitter chat at 2 p.m. EDT on Diabetes Alert Day—Tuesday, March 24—and bring your questions and comments for NCLR health experts and others at #DiabetesAlert.