NCLR Joins 2nd Annual Latino Institute at Creating Change

This week, NCLR is in Houston for the annual National Lesbian and Gay Task Force Annual Conference, Creating Change.

The 2013 Latino Institute
The 2013 Latino Institute. Photo courtesy of Union Fuerza facebook page.

The annual gathering brings together thousands of activists from around the country who are committed to achieving equality for all people, regardless of sexual orientation. It’s an inspiring gathering of individuals who have put social justice at the forefront of their work.

The Task Force, long committed to working with other civil rights groups, will also play host to a day-long pre-conference event, La Union Hace La Fuerza: Latino Insitute. This second annual institute is designed to help queer Latinos build the necessary and crucial bridges across the social landscape. La Union Hace La Fuerza is also a bilngual institute that will provide skills trainings and spaces to foster strategic relationships to collectively advance equality for LGBT and Latino communities.

“As the demographic shift continues to underscore the opportunities and strengths that U.S. Latinos bring to national policy and action, it is important to ensure that Latino LGBT communities are included and this gathering at Creating Change is part of the process,” said David M. Perez, President of the Latino GLBT History Project and one of the co-organizers of the Institute. “Latino LGBT communities have much to share and contribute as they always have since the beginning of U.S. LGBT liberation movements and we have to make sure that those contributions are recognized, developed and documented in the halls of history.”

Throughout the day today and throughout the rest of Creating Change, NCLR will be covering the conference on our social media channels. You can follow along on Twitter for the Latino Institute at #LGBTLatino and for the Creating Change conference at #CC14. Follow along and join the conversation!

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NCLR joined the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force last week for their annual Creating Change conference, which was held in Houston this year. The week-long event was jam packed […]