The 12 Gifts of Immigration Reform
Passing immigration reform legislation will bring a multitude of gifts to our country. Here’s the first of our list of 12 gifts that Congress can deliver to the nation by approving immigration reform.
12. The 12th gift of immigration reform: New jobs!
Immigration reform will create on average 14,000 new jobs in every congressional district in the country.
11. More Homeowners!
Immigration reform will boost the economy by creating 3 million new homeowners.
10. New Tax Revenue!
Immigration reform will allow aspiring Americans to increase their contributions and the federal government would accrue up to $5.4 billion in additional net tax revenue over three years.
9. Bolstering Medicare!
Immigrants put in more to Medicare than they receive creating a surplus that will grow with the contributions of legalizing immigrants.
8. Sustaining Social Security!
Immigration reform will increase revenue into the Social Security Administration by $300 billion over ten years.
7. Increasing the GDP!
According to the Congressional Budget Office, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the U.S. would increase by $700 billion over ten years.
6. Bipartisanship!
Immigration reform will allow members of Congress to demonstrate that they can work together across party lines to provide a solution that 87% of Americans support.
5. Opportunities for DREAMers!
Immigration reform will allow young people who have grown up in this country to reach their full potential and continue their contributions to the country they call home.
4. Revitalized Communities!
Immigration reform will allow counties whose populations have been shrinking to attract new workers whose contributions will be felt across communities as new jobs are created.
3. Modernized Immigration Laws!
Immigration reform will bring our outdated immigration system into the 21st century and allow our country to retain the workforce it needs and keep its competitive edge in the global economy.
2. A Roadmap to Citizenship!
A Roadmap to Citizenship! It is in the best interest of our country to allow aspiring Americans to come forward, fulfill requirements, and earn the ability to apply for citizenship just like every other group of immigrants before them.
1. The Number One Gift of Immigration Reform: Keeping Families Together!
Immigration reform will allow families to be efficiently reunited instead of being stuck in backlogs and will allow children, spouses, and loved ones to stay together instead of being torn apart because of our broken immigration laws.