NCLR Honored to be Featured Partner on KidsWell Site
This week we’re thrilled to be the featured partner on the KidsWell campaign website.
KidsWell is a national campaign focused on successful implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) on behalf of kids. As a partner of this campaign, NCLR is able to more fully and effectively reach Latino communities, which stand to benefit tremendously from the new law.

At our recent Health Summit in New Orleans, the focus of the two-day event was on implementation of the ACA. If you haven’t heard, October 1 will mark a milestone for the ACA as new health insurance marketplaces all over the country begin enrolling people. For millions in our community, it will be their first chance to get any kind of health coverage, and here at NCLR we’re making sure our Affiliates are ready to help.
Attendees heard from a variety of experts and practitioners about the challenges advocates face in ensuring that people get enrolled, as well as what they can do to mitigate those challenges. Health Summit attendees left packed with valuable information and ready to get to work.
Check out the Health Summit program book for more on what happened in New Orleans. And, if you weren’t able to make it to this year’s summit, be sure to visit for more information about how to join next year’s event. You can also find us on Facebook, where we post regularly about the upcoming summit.
Finally, make sure to visit for more information about how we can make sure our kids are prepared for the law.