Latino Advocates Take to Capitol Hill to Push for Immigration Reform
This week, nearly 400 leaders our Affiliate Network descended on Capitol Hill to advocate for comprehensive immigration reform. They came from 31 states and the District of Columbia as part of National Latino Advocacy Days.
Despite snow and sleet that closed down the federal government, our Affiliates’ spirit would not be dampened. They are fierce advocates who were determined not to let inclement weather keep them from delivering their message to Congress to pass reform.
Many of our folks came from great distances and braved the snowstorm that ultimately hit the Washington Area. One such Affiliate, Centro Campesino, drove 35 youth and community leaders all the way from Minnesota through the storm to meet with their members of Congress. Or just look at the four organizations from North Carolina, Latin American Coalition, El Pueblo, El Centro Hispano, and Action NC, who brought more than 60 participants from North Carolina. They brought with them kites made by children in North Carolina who have lived the heartbreaking reality of our broken immigration system: having a parent deported.
Take a look at some of the photos of our Affiliates in action today.
You can help these folks out, too. Join them and us in driving home the message that we need immigration reform now! Let’s make the phones ring off their hooks until we get the support we need. You can support the effort by calling (877) 746-2575. Tell your member of Congress that you expect them to support a roadmap to citizenship as the core of any immigration reform proposal.
This battle is not going to be easy, so we need every voice telling Congress that we will not accept anything less than a real, attainable pathway to citizenship.