A Word on What We Want to Hear at the State of the Union

Barack Obama, during the 2010 State Of The Union address

We already know that the president is committed to immigration reform, and we’re working every day to make sure that this becomes a reality.  Just last week, our President and CEO, Janet Murguía, met with President Obama to talk about it. Tomorrow she will make her way to Capitol Hill, where she will deliver testimony before the full Senate Judiciary Committee, which will hold a hearing on comprehensive immigration reform. This is a fast-moving train and you can be sure we’re on it, but there are other equally important issues that we have to tackle.  We’re looking forward to what the president has to say about them, and the federal budget in particular.

Earlier this year, we posted our priorities for Mr. Obama’s second term, including what we think he should focus on when it concerns the federal budget.  Our nation has a lot at stake as we move closer to making major decisions regarding our budget and tax policy.  If Congress insists on more deficit reduction—an ill-advised policy choice during a weak recovery that will slow down economic growth—then they should achieve it by taxing the top two percent and closing loopholes that benefit corporations and the wealthy.  Congress and the president must focus on protecting programs that invest in children and keep working families out of poverty.

In the battle over the budget, major cuts to vitally important programs are looming, as shown below.  We’ll be listening closely to what Mr. Obama has to say about this fight and what he intends to do to save these programs.FederalBudget_Infographic_FINAL

So, tell us:  What do you want to hear from the president tonight?  Leave a comment below.  You can also join the conversation online.  We’ll be joining cabinet officials at the White House to watch the speech as well as live-tweet it.  Be sure to follow the conversation online at #SOTU and #WHChat.

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