The Immigration Reform Train Is Moving. Are You On Board?
Today the president unveiled his much-anticipated proposal for immigration reform. It comes on the heels of a Senate blueprint outlined yesterday by a bipartisan group of eight senators. In each, the principle of citizenship is at the core, a very encouraging development in this debate.
Together, both proposals also underscore the fact that 2013 is the year to get immigration reform passed. The American people want a solution, and it behooves us to take advantage of the energy and leadership that has emerged since the November election.
“Immigration reform was central in the president’s conversations with the Latino community throughout his 2012 campaign, and it is certainly heartening to see him push firmly to fulfill that promise,” said our President and CEO, Janet Murguía, in a statement. “His announcement today, coupled with yesterday’s Senate blueprint, has turned the corner on this issue, building momentum and motivating lawmakers to put politics aside and get this important work done.”
Let’s be clear, though: this is just the first step. The most critical time in our struggle is now upon us as both Congress and the White House begin hashing out actual legislation. We’re committed to working with both branches on crafting a bill which has at its centerpiece a pathway to citizenship and is inclusive of all Americans, including our LGBT brothers and sisters. To do this effectively, though, we’re going to need to your help.
It is absolutely crucial that Congress and the White House hear your support for immigration reform. You can start by clicking here to demand that your senators support this push for reform. You can also tell them to support reform by calling (877) 746-2575. You’ll be patched through to your senator’s office. In fact, why don’t you do both?
The immigration reform train has left the station folks, and now it’s time for action! Let’s show our leaders that this is a priority for our community—indeed, for our country. Join the fight!