Now It’s Personal: Viewing the Fiscal Cliff from the Perspective of Youth
By Mario Enríquez, Líderes Associate, NCLR
The fiscal cliff has been a hot topic in recent weeks. From the TV screen to endless posts on our newsfeeds, we can see that the fiscal cliff will not be good for anyone, especially youth. As a young person you may ask yourself, “What is the fiscal cliff and how exactly does it affect me?” Some might say, “Why should I care about this?” The reason is simple: Out of all the demographic groups in this country, young people will feel the impact of the fiscal cliff the longest, not only now but for decades to come. Yes, many of us may not earn enough right now to potentially lose $2,000 in taxes, but we should consider how this will affect us down the road.
Failing to avert the fiscal cliff will only exacerbate the already deep hole we are digging for ourselves with our national student debt and our unemployment rate. As a member of the Millennial Generation, I have seen my friends struggle to find a job that fits their career goals. Black and Latino youth, who are the fast-growing segments of our young people, are suffering unemployment rates of 23% and 18% respectively.” These rates are much too high, and we cannot bear the burden of inaction from Congress.
We grew up believing in the notion of the American Dream, that if we work hard we can succeed and prosper in America. We have aimed to achieve this dream for ourselves, for our families, and for our communities. We know the value of hard work and are ready to join the workforce in our respective fields. Young people across this country should not have to worry about massive student debt. We need to start holding the Obama administration and Congress accountable to ensure that we, too, have a fair shot at pursuing the American Dream.
I ask you to think about your personal situation and what life would be like if you didn’t have opportunities to succeed. What would that mean for you? We are the leaders of today and tomorrow, and I know that if we stand our ground and make our voices heard, Congress will listen. We need to start taking action not just for ourselves but also for our families who we fight for every single day. Let’s get out there and show the power we have as rising leaders in this country!