Election Day 2012 Live Blog

5:55 p.m.
Did we mention we love Election Day? So do these folks!

The fantastic Hermilia Uribe on the phones in Las Vegas! In her election day red white and blue! She also brings in HEALTHY home made food for the staff every day, too!!

“You’re voice can change the outcome,” said Kathy Briones of Denver. Women’s right was a critical choice for her voting this cycle-equal pay as was the right to decide whether or not to take birth control.”

Voting is fun for the whole family in Denver; even the new borns!

These three voters in Jefferson County, Colo. shows the diversification and generational difference of voters in the county. Our friend in the middle voted for the first time today!

Jaime Oliver and his wife Yomaira Oliver exited the polls holding hands with a smile on each of their faces. As we approached them to ask why they voted, Jaime said, “Votamos, primero porque es nuestro deber civico…” and then his wife interjected, “Y segundo, porque es importante que los Latinos nos hagamos contar.”
Translation: Jaime said, “First, we voted because it’s our civic duty…” And his wife quickly continued, “And second, because it’s important that Latinos make themselves count.”

5:15 p.m.
We’ve got another update for you from the field.

It’s 82 and sunny. The Kendall precinct wait time is anywhere from 1-1.5 hours. You can probably expect an after-work surge.

In Orlando, it 73 and sunny. There have been reports on misinformation given out. We’re checking up on that for you. The upside? The wait time is less than hour at average-sized precincts in Osceola. The down side? At Precinct 532 in Orange County, a heavily Hispanic population, wait times are 2 hours and there is no parking.

The weather in Jefferson County is 63 and partly cloudy. Northern Jefferson county is reporting long lines, while Southern Jefferson County is reporting short lines. In Arapahoe County, you can expect to be in line for about 1.5 hours. Our field coordinators are telling us, though, that despite the lines, people are excited about voting. That’s what we like to hear!

The weather in Philly is 45 Clear/Sunny. Spanish interpreters are still sorely needed, but the excitement level is high.

It’s 81 degrees and sunny. We’re reporting few lines, but expect an after-work surge

5:00 p.m.
Given the unprecedented levels of voter suppression that Latinos have had to contend with, it’s inspiring to see citizens doing all they can to ensure they vote. Our senior media relations associate, Kathy Mimberg, has volunteered with the “¡Ve Y Vota!” election hotline for three presidential elections now wrote in a blog post today about this level of commitment.

“I was struck this morning by the great lengths many people are going to in order to vote in this election.  We’ve heard about long lines in several states and I spoke to two women this morning who were determined to vote despite the challenges they face in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy; their stories are illustrative of how important it is to people that their voices are heard.”

Read the whole post here. And, check out some shots of the “¡Ve Y Vota!” volunteers in action!

Our senior immigration legislative analyst, Laura Vazquez, has been hard at work all day long. Go, Laura!
Normally, Alicia Criado is busy advocating for better and fairer labor standards as a policy analyst for the Employment Policy Project. Today, she’s working the phones, answering questions and concerns! Thanks, Alicia!
Our Congressional Hispanic Caucus Insitute Policy Fellow Cristela Ruiz is getting some good experience working the hotline. Thanks, Cristela!

3:50 p.m.
A roundup of some of our favorite Instagram photos. Keep them coming!

Click on the images to enlarge.













3:20 p.m.
Aida Ortiz is a 74-year-old resident of Philadelphia who was in need of a ride to the polls today. With the assistance of NCLR and her son, Joel Ortiz, she was able to vote today. Her reasons for voting? She’s concerned about the preservation of Social Security and other social programs.

Nice job, Aida and Joel!

1:35 p.m.
The photos below were taken at the Osceola polling place in south Florida. As is the case at many polling places around the country, there are long lines to wait. Please hang in there, folks. Voting is your right and it can’t be taken away.

We know the situation can be tough, but there are some things you do to prepare for the waits!

Don’t let the wait discourage you; there is too much at stake for our community and for your family.  Be proactive and make a plan.

  • It’s tough to get a parking space?   Get your family and friends together and carpool to an early vote site
  • Do a little digging and find out what locations may have shorter lines and what lines are less congested
  • Bring an activity for the wait.  Perhaps you can take that book you’ve been waiting to read or that friend you need to catch up with.

Read the rest of “Stay in Line” from our Miami-based senior communications manager, Camila Gallardo, here.

1:11 p.m.
More photos from voters around the country.


12:40 p.m.
Here’s the latest from our field organizers, who have been working hard to get Latinos to the polls.

In Miami it’s 78 degrees and mostly cloudy. Heads up if you’re in Hialeah. It’s taking close to four hours to vote there.

We’re hearing that one particular voter just waited three hours to vote in the Midtown area. The Miami Herald has more.

A little bit north, in Orlando, it’s 68 degrees and mostly cloudy there, too. Wait times there seem to be about an hour long.

NCLR’s very own Liany Arroyo voted in Prince Georges County and reported a wait time of about two hours.

In the Keystone State, the weather is chilly at 39 degrees. FYI, last minute voter registration will be provided a provisional ballot.

Also keep in mind, folks, that in Pennsylvia, you don’t need to show your ID to vote, but you may be asked for it.

From the Philadpelphia Inquirer:

“The Committee of Seventy election watchdog agency said one of the biggest problems in the city and suburban Philadelphia counties was poll workers telling voters that they needed to have voter ID before they could cast ballots.

“There’s a lot of honest misunderstanding, and maybe some not so honest,” said Zack Stalberg, the committee’s CEO.

“There’s a good deal of confusion.”

The Republican-controlled state legislature passed a law with strict requirements for photo ID before people could cast ballots.

But the courts suspended the law for this election. Most polls workers followed the basic rule, asking voters if they had voter ID. If they did not, they would be handed information on the plan to require identification starting next year.”

And, finally in Colorado it’s sunny at 59 degrees. Kuds to the 1.7 million Coloradans who voted early. Those folks don’t have to worry about any wait times.

We’ll provide you more reports throughout the day.

More photos, this time from the Osceola Precinct. It looks like Latinos are really turning out to vote!

11:00 a.m.
We’re blogging the election today. We’ll be sharing stories, photos and other information as the day goes on. If you’re on Instagram or Twitter, tag your Election Day photos with #LatinoVote to be part of our photo album.

And, if you haven’t voted yet and don’t know where to vote, you can always text ‘POLL’ + your address to 62571. If you experience any problems at the polls, do call our voter hotline at 888.839.8682.

Our first photo comes from the Miami West Kendall polling place patiently waiting to vote. Don’t get discouraged folks. Just stay in line.

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