UnidosUS is undertaking an ambitious goal: to transform the economic trajectory of Latino families by advancing systemic change to create 4 million new Latino homeowners by 2030.
June 14, 2023
HomeHome Ownership Means EquityHousing
We invest more than any other organization in the research, data, and thought leadership that describes and supports the Latino community in the United States.
For half a century, UnidosUS has advanced economic and social research to improve the quality of life for Latinos through policy, direct support, study, and our reports and briefs. Browse all our available resources below.
As Congress debates the details of budget reconciliation and human infrastructure legislation, UnidosUS is articulating our core priorities. Our top three priorities would impact the lives of millions, including millions […]
September 9, 2021
budget reconciliationChild Tax CreditCTCEducationand 2 more tags
The Latinx in Sales program aims to provide job readiness and sector-based training so that Latinx workers can upskill, reskill, and leverage their skills to access higher-wage jobs that offer […]
July 30, 2021
LatinxWorkforce Development
The Latinx in Business Initiative aims to provide digital upskill training for business owners and future entrepreneurs.
July 29, 2021
LatinxWorkforce Development
California has the largest Latino population in the United States. However, its teachers aren’t representative of the demographic and English learner students (ELs) still have dropout rates that hover over 30%. This fact sheet outlines some of the issues affecting Latino students in California.
November 6, 2020
CaliforniaEducationELsEnglish Learners
Though Latinos are enrolling in postsecondary programs in record numbers, they still complete college at rates lower than their White counterparts.
September 25, 2020