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UnidosUS’s top higher education legislative priorities for the upcoming Congressional budget reconciliation legislation. The three priorities ensure Latino students’ current needs are met and ensure that they not only stay […]

August 31, 2021

Congressional BudgetHigher EducationYouth

The Latinx in Sales program aims to provide job readiness and sector-based training so that Latinx workers can upskill, reskill, and leverage their skills to access higher-wage jobs that offer […]

July 30, 2021

LatinxWorkforce Development

The Latinx in Business Initiative aims to provide digital upskill training for business owners and future entrepreneurs.

July 29, 2021

LatinxWorkforce Development


California has the largest Latino population in the United States. However, its teachers aren’t representative of the demographic and English learner students (ELs) still have dropout rates that hover over 30%. This fact sheet outlines some of the issues affecting Latino students in California.

November 6, 2020

CaliforniaEducationELsEnglish Learners

In June 2020, UnidosUS, in partnership with nine Affiliates and grantees, launched a research project that aimed to understand the hiring needs of local and national employers and how UnidosUS […]

October 23, 2020

AffiliatesCommunityEconomy and Workforce


Though Latinos are enrolling in postsecondary programs in record numbers, they still complete college at rates lower than their White counterparts.

September 25, 2020


UnidosUS and Georgetown University Health Policy Institute Center for Children and Families

Counties and Congressional districts with large Latino child populations are more likely to have large numbers of uninsured Latino children, but state and local policies have an impact on the coverage rates.

September 22, 2020

CaliforniaChildrenFloridaGeorgiaand 4 more tags

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