Publication List

The University of California, Student Association and NCLR partnered on a voter education guide to help California voters learn about the 17 different propositions on this years November 8th ballot. […]

September 29, 2016

CaliforniaCivic EngagementCriminal JusticeEducationand 1 more tag

Slides from a roundtable discussion held on September 8, 2016, include presentations by Sylvia Manzano, Principal at Latino Decisions; Maria Urbina, Vice President of Politics and National Campaigns at Voto […]

September 8, 2016

CitizenshipCivic EngagementVotingYouth

The purpose of this curriculum is to provide students an opportunity to learn about American democracy. Thousands of young people in high schools become eligible to vote each day and […]

August 15, 2016

Civic EngagementEducationVotingYouth


NCLR and Latino Decisions conducted a poll to get the views of Latino influencers at the NCLR Latino Voter Summit on priority issues during this election year, including how they felt about policymakers’ efforts to represent Latino interests and their impressions of both major political parties.

March 10, 2016

CitizenshipCivic EngagementCivil RightsVotingand 1 more tag

This series profiles Latinos in the 35 U.S. states with the largest Latino population, largest proportion of Latinos, and the largest growth in the Latino population from 2000 to 2008.

October 27, 2010

EconomyEducationHealth Insurance CoverageHomeownershipand 1 more tag

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