Our Supporters Share With Us Their Favorite “Latino Idols”

Oct8Rally_pic6Hispanic Heritage Month is still going strong. This week, we asked supporters to let us know who their “Latino idol” was and what they admired about them. Here are some of our favorite responses. Thanks to everyone who participated!

Eileen from NJ: My idol is my friend Felix. As a cofounder of National Hispanic Foundation of the Arts, he has been working on projecting our faces into all the arts.
Wesley from CT: My Latina idol is Jennifer Lopez, with whom I share a similar background. She has broken boundaries for Latinos in fashion, music and movies. Her talent, her determination and fearless attitude inspire me to be the best that I can be in life and in my career.
Raul from CA: Mothers!!! They are the nucleus of the family unit, the nurturers, and the givers of life, love, and security. They impact our mental and physical health, including our sense of cultural pride and identity!!!
Carlos from NY: Shakira because she is smart, talented & beautiful!
Angela from OK: Cesar Chavez for his work with the United Farm Workers Movement! If I could go back in time, I would march alongside him and Dolores for my people.
Marie from CA: Benito Juarez, who famously said “El respeto al derecho ajeno es la paz.” A timeless phrase!
Leticia from AZ: My idols are the Latinos working in the service sector. Not only do they keep our hotels, construction jobs, restaurants, hotels, schools, etc. functioning, but they’ve also been willing to stand up to injustice, at great personal sacrifice, to improve the working conditions for all Americans throughout history.
Tillie from AZ: Mario Lopez because he is a successful young man who cares about his health and physical well-being, as well as embracing his Latino roots.
Bridget from PA: Sara Ramirez. Unlike most celebrities, she admits that she didn’t have a perfect life. She went through tribulations such as losing her friend and dealing with her weight. She remained positive and focused less on what others thought. She always has words of inspiration for her fans. Sara rocks!!!
Ernesto from IL: Consuelo C.K. I admire her true leadership and desire to help our parents, students, and teachers to become better individuals.
Eileen from GA: Sonia Sotomayor! We are both Puerto Ricans from New York City. We both believed in raising the bar and chasing our dreams. She has dedicated herself to serving and enforcing the law. On the other hand, I pursued my career in education obtaining a PhD in Educational Leadership. We have so many commonalities and it is great to see another successful Latina woman.
Jessica from NV: My Latino idol is Luis Gutierrez. I admire the hard work he has done for the Latino community.
Marietta from MO: David Archuleta from American Idol. He is a very talented, kind and generous person who is inspirational not only through his songs, but also through his time spent trying to learn and perfect his Spanish. Although he has always struggled with it, he managed to learn.
Tara from TN: My Latina idol is my colleague and boss, Renata S. She is our executive director and she dreams big!
Joseph A from CA: Raul Yzaguirre, the founder of NCLR and former ambassador to the Dominican Republic. What I admire about this elder statesman and international leader is his charismatic leadership! He has never forgotten where he came from! He has dedicated his life and career to those who have been educationally and economically disadvantaged! He has provided some much needed leadership in our community. He has empowered all Hispanic Americans in the U.S.! He is my hero and a living legend!
Diane from AZ: Rosie Perez. Rosie is an individual I admire for various reasons. She is a great role model and great actress, but moreover, she is someone who gives back to society. Her dedication to the AID’s epidemic has been unparalleled. She worked with my late brother, Dennis Deleon for the New York Commission on Aids. Dennis valued her and loved her like a sister. She was very kind to me when Dennis was struggling with the disease. I remember when he was in the last stages of the disease and Rosie was not just by his side, but made him her version of Puerto Rican beans and would take them to the hospital to feed him. She is very special to me.
Kelly from FL: Esperanza G. – a community activist here in Florida.
Consuelo G. from TX: Juan Seguin. He is a Texas hero known for his tenacity in remaining loyal to his people and his country of Texas.
Carolina from LA: My mother because she came alone from Merida, Mexico at the young age of 23 years old with just a nickel, quarter, and dime to pursue her dreams.
Tony from IN: Sin duda, mi padre, quien me puso con ejemplos el rico valor de familia. La importancia de continuar contacto con ella, ignorando largas distancias que nos separan físicamente. Agradecer lo poco o mucho en el plato de vida, tal como querer y obedecer la ley de Dios, la importancia de la educación y el respeto.
Rachel from WY: My high school teacher Sue L. for being the first strong, smart, and independent Latina role model to me. She has mentored me in pursuing journalism in college. I’ll never forget her influence.
Victor from TX: Luis Gutierrez for his battle and constant support for the rights of people with no voice. For that reason, I admire him.
Karina from MO: Monsignor Roy B.. He is an inspiration to me. He sacrificed his life in battle and saved multiple lives! He is a true hero!
Edna from TX: Victor Ochoa. He is a revolutionary inventor, scientist, and holder of eight patents. What’s not to love?
Alejandra from OR: Digna Ochoa. 1964 a 2001. Un líder indígena mexicana, una abogada en derecho penal. Ella fue asesinada por defender a los campesinos y sus derechos civiles y humanos.
Christine from CA: Maria M. She is an executive a director. She has a life-long dedication to civil rights for immigrants & everyone, organizes ongoing community activities, works six days a week, and 10-hour days to make life better for Day Workers. She is also active in protests & works with politicians.
Jolene from CA: My idol is Alma C., vice principal of our high school in California. She has helped many people to become computer literate.
Nikki from WA: Eva Longoria because she is very outspoken on Latino rights!
David from TX: Dionicio M. because of his efforts and his support of Latino youth education.
Stephen from NM: Dolores Huerta. She is often overlooked in the shadow of Cesar Chavez. She has been a great advocate for labor and human rights.
Tomas from CA: Shakira is a very powerful woman who helps others by fundraising especially in education. She is powerful and has changed a lot of souls.
Andrea from IL: Salma Hayek & Eva Longoria for having a back bone when standing up for immigration reform.
Melissa from PA: Sonia Sotomayor. She is everything.
Rebecca from TX: Selena, for her independence, talent, and being genuine.
Charles from TX: Cesar Chavez is my main idol. He fought for all agricultural workers. He could have walked away, but he didn’t. He got involved and put his life on the line for all .
Al from AZ: Sister Pat Preciado, a Martin-award winning Chicano author of over eight books related to Mexican heritage.
James from CA: Julio Iglesias. He is the world’s greatest entertainer! He has admirers of all ages worldwide.

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